Well as long as you don’t mind ... let the Happy 2020 New Year thread continue down the rabbit hole with Hollywood gossip talk ... :mdrmdr: Audrey Hepburn? Audrey ... Audrey ... oooh her ... at first I was thinking of the lady on the Honeymooners with Jackie Gleason. LOL wrong Audrey. Okay ... Audrey Hepburn was the one that played in “My fair Lady” yes, funny movie. :good: Baa Baa Black Sheep? Never heard of that program. After googling ... it lead me to a few nursery rhymes and I thought nah, that can’t be right. :mdrmdr: Glad you added the other name (Black Sheep Squadron) ... that makes better sense to have a DVD collection of ... a war program. I realized it was aired the same years as “Eight is Enough” so no wonder it got by-past in the viewing slot ... plus ... its not a chick flick B-) Speaking about chick flick programs ... how many of you were fans of “8 is Enough”? Especially the charming Willie Aames and the dreamy Grant Goodeve? :heart: Hey Tammie, by chance did you have crushes on them too? Hee hee. If so, you will be very pleased to hear they are both believers! Back in 1978 I wrote to both and sent the letter to some random P.O. Box address that TigerBeat magazine supplied for all their fan mail. I asked for their pictures, sent a few dollars and also stuck in a Bible tract and prayed that it would reach them. LOL. I never in a million years expected to hear back ... but surprisingly ... a few months later I did received pictures from both! No letter, just a photo. I thought ok they must have some assistant publicists to respond to their gazillions of fan mail. But this is where it gets interesting ... a few years later I heard they both became born again Christians. I’ve been curious ever since of the paper trail that lead to their salvation ... if they truly did read their fan mail and a small seed was planted with that Bible tract or was it just a coincidence, and they were searching and someone else made a big impact on their lives. Just cool to know though that 2 more childhood crushes are also heaven bound! Oh, yeah. I remember that show. My sister would squeal when I turned past it to watch Black Sheep Squadron. 😉 LOL, your poor sister! I’m sure she must have been wishing for her own personal tv in her bedroom. I know that was my wish many times and the scary part is we only had 13 stations back then ... no cable or satellite with the gazillion of channels to fight over. Only 2 tvs for 6 people to share. Looking back I can’t understand why they didn’t just buy more tv sets. Perhaps that was one item that wasn’t cheap in the good old days? :unsure: