Can any man pull another out of the fires of Hell?! Or are we just simply allowed and called upon to join the in the Father's will and the Holy Spirit's unction?! Truly it is the Lord that chooses each of us before the foundations of the world were even laid. Truly it is God's omniscience which knows the end from the beginning. It is the Lord who seals each of us with His salvation mark. It is His blood, grace and forgiveness which accomplishes every man's salvation! That said, the preaching of the gospel of Christ seems to me to accomplish something other than salvation. As we submit to His will, we are indeed making a statement of allegiance. For when we preach we declare spiritual truths of God's love and His being the truth, the way and the life eternal. We also simultaneously set ourselves into the throws of adversity in making a mortal and immortal enemy. For the enemy of God has now become our own enemy. Though salvation comes from no man but Christ, we are called soul winners. As such, we shall receive a laborer's reward. Every selfless act of kindness, love and sacrifice as one of God's laborer's shall indeed be rewarded. We are in His field and we tend His the fruits of His garden! Seems to me that the world and religion is much too quick to take on the credit that belongs only to the Lord. Something that Job was quickly reminded of. So then it is none of us who pulls anyone from the fires of Hell, but we can only point to the door of salvation which is Christ! In remembering this simple truth, it is with the greatest of honour that He always gets the glory. Or so it seems to me. TR :amen: The Lord’s will for his church is not a great mystery ... He expects us to be obedient to the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20) ... whether it be preaching, teaching, praying, tithing to mission outreach programs, handing out Bible Tracts, etc. and just letting our Light shine in this dark and evil world so the lost will be drawn to the Light of Jesus and ask about the hope that we have. Proverbs 11:30 “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise” Truly, God allows us so many opportunities to take part in His redemptive plans. I have set dreams of grandeur in the kingdom aside a long time ago. Just wanting to be fit for the Masters use even if only in the smallest of ways. Short of that, I can love and praise Him! And offer Him my prayers! And perhaps share insights from time to time. Again, Heaven would reject any that didn't love Him, just as Hell must also reject any that do! TR Stands to reason that even as we the lights of glory shining ever brighter before us and calling us home as beacons, so too me must begin to smell the sulfuric gas of Hell. Though still yet a long way off, the horrible stench and the ever increasing volume of human cries screaming does make it presence known as like never before! As opposed to the ecstasy and glories of Heaven, Hell cannot not be outdone by the extreme opposite that it is! The point being is that we are indeed looking directly into bowels of Hell or the mountain tops of glory! For indeed time has made an appointment for each of us. But the greatest difference between the two is that with Hell, nothing will change! And in Heaven, we shall move from glory to glory, each greater than before! TR