Hanukkah Rapture Wa...
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Hanukkah Rapture Watch

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Geri, that was a God wink for sure!  Thanks for sharing.   Makes me think maybe the rapture could still be this year!?

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Yep definitely a God wink. 😉    I can kick myself though for not being more specific in saying will the rapture happen in 2019 or 2020.  Well, we know the Lord has a sense of humor. :yes:

In the Departures magazine its a whole bunch of exotic hot vacation spots.  Such beautiful destinations and yet our heavenly home is going to be sooo much better than this old sin cursed world.  I can’t wait to leave this all behind!  The best is yet to be for all of us!  I’m not going to give up on 2019 ... we still have 8 days left ... if its not Hanukkah or Christmas ... perhaps its New Year’s Eve?

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Great find Sis!   Silly girl, ask the Lord to be specific!

Being a gentile, I can hear myself saying:  What's a Hanukkah?!  Heavenly language for GONE!

Just became a great grandpa for the third time yesterday.  My oh My!  Her name is Hosanna!


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This morning I  finished writing out Christmas cards (yeah I’m late this year but got them out before Christmas Eve  hee hee).  Some of the people I wrote to lost loved ones this year - a husband, a daughter, etc. so I was trying to encourage them all of the soon great reunion in the air. So that is why I was asking the Lord today but just wasn’t expecting a response so quickly.  I’m now wondering if my guardian angel was up to some sneaky tricks in rearranging those magazines? B-)

Very interesting that Hanukkah means “GONE!”  I was just looking at the dates ... even though it started last night .... the holiday doesn’t end until Monday evening, Dec 30th ... and if we are not GONE by then ... there’s always the next evening ... New Year’s eve. While the unsaved party and get drunk ... perhaps the church does a disappearing act?  :whistle:

Woohoo .... congrats grandpa!  Hosanna ... what a beautiful name!  Looks like you guys are already enjoying an early Christmas! :yes:

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I'd rather celebrate the Rapture!  But Christmas has always been beloved by me.

Once again God's goodness always amazes me!

Personal blessings to you Sis, and your loved ones.  May the Lord grant an Angel to kiss your cheek!


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Congratulations TR!

Geri, if you had asked for a more specific date then you my have received an Einsteinian puzzle as a reply 😉

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LOL  the way my prayers are getting answered I think you’re right Yohanan ... it would be a secret coded  “Einsteinian puzzle of a reply” in return.  The thing is I’m not even picky about the date ... I would be thrilled and just satisfied with knowing only “thee rapture year”.   I can just see it now though when going back to the post office ... and finding:  an old 2019 calendar along with a brand new one that’s a  2 year 2020/2021 calendar right underneath that some rich guy or corporation didn’t want.  This would be me Cry  in total frustration!

Say ... how about I leave that task for someone else to pray for ... and be on alert to how the Lord answers?  Perhaps you will be more successful and can share?  :whistle:

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You all know that I've already opted for a universal divine disclosure.  This way no one's ego gets involved  and no one but God can take credit.



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Hey I’m all for that universal divine disclosure with the high watch date! :good:   What an exciting confirmation that would be to all come up with it at the same time!   Hmmm ... I wonder now could part of the blockage problem have been from not drinking our daily quota of Ovaltine to keep our minds sharp and alert to every mi-NUTE clue?   B-)

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Wonder when Hanukkah ends?  Survived but one more Christmas here on Earth!

Surely the next six months will give us all a better picture of the Lord's plans.  We must continue in the Lord's grace and mercies.  Perhaps He will refrain from using the "pause" button too often.    Rapture in 2020 and His second coming in 2027, those numbers work for me!

Whenever the Lord is ready I always expected to go out with a bang, rather than a whimper.  Seems like the longer our wait, the less bang I have!  Even so Lord, come quickly!  The Lord's goodness just keeps me going.




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