J. D. Farag’s Bible Prophecy Update – December 8th, 2019 I listened to this You Tube tonight at 1.75 x normal speed, bgkimbr. I used the "Settings" wheel in the lower right hand corner of the picture next to the closed captions button. By the way, push the CC button too. As that old '70's Life cereal commercial used to say: "Try it. You'll like it!" Hi Dan. Had to chuckle when I read your post. Could not help but think about J.D. talking about that Greek word "Tachos" in the context of "Behold I come quickly." If your turning up the speed on his prophecy update message will help expedite the remaining time and make the Lord come back sooner, then I say let's go for a much higher number than 1.75! Pedal to the metal with full RPMs! Turn JD into Alvin and the Chipmunks. LOL.