Has the world lost ...
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Has the world lost its mind?

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Todd Tomlinson
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Every morning seems to bring new news of chaos around the world and its not limited to just a single region - its everywhere.   The world is in upheaval unlike anytime I've witnessed in the past 62 years.   It would be easy to get pulled into the craziness and become fearful and anxious but I am reminded that this is not my home, I'm only a temporary visitor.   But, I just can't believe all the craziness.  Every day I ask myself "can it get any worse?"   Unfortunately it seems it can.  Thankfully we have Jesus on our side.

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Once again, the Lord is making the hearts of men clear to one and all so that there could be no doubt about the righteousness of His judgments!

Either men will praise Him or curse Him, but all will be without excuse and unable to bring any accusation against the Lord!

Sadly the world has lost more than it's mind, my brother.  They indeed have no idea what is truly at stake, nor are most unaware of the consequences involved.



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It certainly seems like a ratcheting up of Matthew 24:7!! A couple of years ago we started to see unrest and now, like you mentioned, every day I am reading of another people group rioting or protesting against their own government. More nations are in contentious places with other nations than in past years as well. I think this is a swelling up in the cycle of birth pangs coming faster and faster. Imagine the next big "contraction!"

David W. Roche
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Short answer:  Yes.  Yes, they have.

Longer answer:  If God is real, and He is, any flight from or rejection of Him is a flight from reality.  You cannot help but ultimately be turned over to a reprobate mind if you do not love the Truth.  It isn't only theological in nature; rather, you will begin to accept all sorts of delusional ideas about life.  You may even begin to see yourself as the center of the universe.  That is a type of insanity, but because it has become so commonplace, it hardly gets any attention any longer.  It's something like the inmates running the asylum.

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I agree David.  I once heard many years ago that Heaven and the spiritual realm was more real than the reality we presently live in.

As we rummage through all the types and shadows throughout the word of God, we loose sight that this existence is also a type and shadow.

But when we pass through Heaven's portal, we shall see Him and ourselves more clearly.  We will engage not only in a life simply imagined, but life as it was designed to be lived!



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Agree with David's response.  Yes, the world has lost its mind.  Reprobate.  Unable to discern between good and evil.

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I'm absolutely stunned that we are still here to witness the intensity of crazy, depraved wickedness that vexes our souls continually from every side. I thought Jesus would have removed us from the world before it reached this point. So now I just keep wondering - how much worse will it actually get before He finally decides that enough is enough?

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the level of depravity, violence, despising of truth is spiraling worse. i want to know what is happening, but then when i do see the news, then like Wendy i wonder, how much longer before we are called home and our Savior who is worthy takes the scroll and opens the seals. Our Father has a timeline; we surely are farther along, closer to the day of meeting our Savior.

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Though there is ever increasing darkness of the world that we are witnessing, we also witness the great patience of the Lord.  He is patient in that He wants none to perish.

Moreover, Christ wants as many as possible to the enlargement of His Bride!

His mercies still are sent to those that love Him.  His wonders are still performed.  And He always administers His sovereignty in wisdom and love!

I thank the Lord that His wisdom is from everlasting to everlasting and His heart is ever turned towards us.


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This world has reached the point of no return free fall ... this article says it all on the sorry state of our country. Cry   On a positive note ... this means our King is coming very soon to snatch us home

Charisma News
The chief executive of the Hallmark Channel, known for its treasure trove of wholesome and characteristically cheesy Christmas flicks, said in a recent interview the company is "open" to filming movies with lead characters who are gay.

Bill Abbott shared the revelation during an appearance on The Hollywood Reporter's TV's Top 5 podcast, when one interviewer said, "I'm gay; where are the same-sex movies? Have you talked about incorporating stories about same-sex couples at Christmas?"

"We're open to really any type of movie of any type of relationship in any space," the CEO said in response.

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