A theory on a possi...
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A theory on a possible Rapture date V.2

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Carry on.

Previous discussion here.


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The latest YT gab is that the Singapore edition of Vogue Magazine to be released April 8 has a photo of DoJa Cat (I had to look up who that is...an American rapper) with the word Rapture across the front. Maybe that is another clue from the entertainment industry that they know we are about to leave too.

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All I can say, is that while April 1 may not have panned out, we all knew it might not have been “the day” and credit to Arthur because from the outset he said this is only a theory and not thus saith the Lord

However I will also say this, I would not chalk this up as a “failed date” either since we know that 2 days from now could be Passover on the Dead Seas calendar,  8 days from now could be Abib/Nisan 10 on the Hillel calendar, 12 days from now could be Passover on the Hillel calendar and 15 days from now is Resurection Day/ Yom HaBikkurim/ Firstfruits.

So there are plenty of opportunities to be raptured on a significant day, or really any day that God sees as “the day” could be random to us, but special to Him and we would not complain.

I see Arthur’s theory not as a “failed date” but one more evidence in an ever growing mounting pile of evidence that is building up, that we are indeed in the rapture “bang zone” as Bro. Chooch at TOL likes to say….

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Oh, we are always talking about dates.  Almost every week we have a failed date. But it is our favorite subject....going to see the King. There are so many promising dates this month. I am especially excited about Resurrection Sunday!  That weekend of the 16th and 17th is also Passover. I don't think they are always lined up so well.  And Saturday is a full moon. It is Nisan 10 on the Orthodox calendar.  I don't know which calendar is correct, but I think God could use it to bring many to Him because it has meaning to so many people.

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Actually, it is a failed date since it has come and gone but that goes with the territory. Everyone who has ever predicted a date that has come and gone has a “failed date”, myself included. I really like what Blue said “Oh, we are always talking about dates.  Almost every week we have a failed date. But it is our favorite subject….going to see the King.”

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This, by my friend Jana is so inspiring in these end days  . .  as she says . . Scripture reminds us that when the Son of Man returns (for the rapture) it will be 'business as usual" ~ ~

. . ~ "I woke up this morning with Sodom and Gomorrah on my mind, and I heard the question, “what’s around it”. I know! It made no sense to me either! So I did what I usually do; I asked the Lord.

It would make things so much clearer if I could hear what He is saying with an audible voice, but that doesn’t happen to me. He talks to me by bringing thoughts to mind that I had never considered before.

When talking about the last days, we usually put emphasis on the days of Noah.
“But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (Matthew 24:37)
However, Luke not only speaks of the days of Noah, he speaks of the days of Lot. Actually, it’s Jesus doing the speaking.

“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
Even thus shall it be in the Day when the Son of man is revealed.” (Luke 17:28-30)

I know that many try to say that all of the end of days talk in the Gospels applies to the Second Coming only; however, that never completely sat right with me, because right before the Lord sets His foot on the mount of Olives (Zachariah 14:4), the world will be in such chaos that, the Word says, if the Lord doesn’t come back when He does, there won’t be anyone left alive!

So, once again, I did what I usually do, I asked the Lord. He “told” me that His Second Coming is in two parts, separated by His Wrath (Daniel’s 70th Week).

When Jesus came the first time, He came to His own, the Jewish people, who were still living in the dispensation of Law. The Church, and the Rapture were still a mystery (Colossians 1:27; 1Corinthians 15:51); therefore, He couldn’t speak of them, until its time.

Now, since the mysteries have been revealed, the Holy Spirit helps us rightly divide the Word to see the Truth.

I said all of that to say, before the first part of His Second Coming (the Rapture), life will be relatively normal. People will just be going about there usual routines ...just like now!

So, what did the question, “what’s around it?” mean, when I woke up thinking about Sodom and Gomorrah? I think the Lord wanted me to look back at the Lord’s conversation with Abraham, which led up to the judgment of these evil cities.

“And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do;” (Genesis 18:17)
The Word tells us, those of us who are of the Faith (in other words, those of us who believe God), are children of Abraham (Galatians 3:7), and are entitled (in Christ) to the same promises He made Abraham.

“And if you be Christ's, then are you Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the Promise.”(Galatians 3:29)

I believe what the Lord wanted me to see (at least in part) is that, just like He told Abraham what He was about to do, He is telling us, those who care to know, what He’s about to do. He even listened to Abraham’s concerns, and promised not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if as few as 10 Righteous people could be found in them. There weren’t, and we know the rest of the story.

This tells us, He will not let His Wrath fall on this evil world, until He has removed ALL who are His. If you have never received His gift of salvation, He died to give you, call on His Name today. You want to be His before the Wrath falls. Amen!
Even so, Come Lord Jesus! Amen!

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Amen, Donna - a good word.

I have also been thinking much about Sodom and Gomorrah.

I have been thinking about this for about a year now.  My mom passed away almost one year ago (April 24 2021) from Covid and the poor treatment she received for it.  Without getting into too many detail I feel like she died needlessly and I began to pray that God would hear her blood that cries out from beneath the ground where she rests - we know that He heard the blood of Abel when he was slain by Cain, that it literally was crying to God from the ground.

And then I thought of Sodom and Gomorrah - in the passage you described where God told Abraham His plan, did He not say He was goin to see if the outcry was as bad as what He had heard?  So what was the outcry?  The prayers of the righteous?  What righteous?  There was Lot and his family and we know the New Testament says he was vexed by the conduct of Sodom but he was also very comfortable with his family and the angels had to drag him and his family out -so I doubt that he was crying out for judgement with fervent prayers.

No, I think it was the blood of the righteous slain of Sodom ad Gomorrah crying out to God.

Several years ago I received a word.  I was praying/meditating/wondering on the famous Thessalonians passage where it tells us the Lord will descend with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the Trump of God - 3 distinct sounds, and my bizarre mind, the way it works was wondering - we know those will be the last 3 sounds we will hear, but what if we could hear n the spiritual?  What would be the last sound uttered in heaven before those 3 sounds that we will all hear - what if we had ears of the spirit what would that last sound be before the trumpet, the shout, the voice of the archangel?  I felt I heard in the spirit “basta, basta”.  At the time I had no idea what that meant.

I was telling my mom about this at the time.  My mom was 1/2 Italian, and she told me that “basta” is Italian for “enough”. So it seems the Spirit was communicating to me that one day God will say “enough is enough” and will call for His church to be raptured and His perfect judgement upon the earth - at least that’s how I interpreted it.

Now with the blood of many innocent crying out from the earth like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah - the blood of the countless infants slain through abortion.

The blood of people like my mom killed by a pestilence or because they were denied incorrect treatment of it - I won’t go into detail because I don’t want to be controversial.

And the blood of the many other “average” injustices that have been going on every day from the day Jesus left us to go back to heaven….We of course have the Holy Spirit to comfort us, but indeed we hunger and thirst for righteousness and the blood cries out for righteous judgement like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah and there will be a day,  I feel pretty soon, when God will say, Ok enough is enough of this….

That brings me full circle and why I like this thread so much, I really feel that when Adam and Eve bit into that fruit, God gave a limited lease of 6000 years for all the nonsense and boy oh boy we must be getting close to the evacuation of the righteous and the eviction of the evildoers.

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Great words!

Speaking of Abraham and being his seed, Abraham reflected God’s heart willing to sacrifice his beloved son of promise!

We likewise accept God’s beloved Son who was indeed sacrificed also making us heirs to the promises of God!


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Thank you for not throwing rocks. Hee hee. :good:

Yes, there are still a few days of "wiggle room" on this theory. Man was created on day 6, so maybe the 6,000 year count didn't start until day 6? Or perhaps not until the disobedience in the garden which could have been a little later.

My question would be, how long did it take for Adam to name all the animals and find out that none of them were suitable to him for a helpmeet? I presume Eve was not created until after that.

So, if it took a couple of days to name the animals then you can tack a couple of extra days on the time line. It could also be that this took place in a 24 hour period, as well.

Whatever the case, I do feel we are really close. :flyup:

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