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1st Half of 2020 vs. 2nd Half of 2020: Don't Unbuckle Your Seat Belt

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On January 3rd, 2020, I posted the topic here called "2020 Off to a Roaring Start-Better Buckle Up".  WHO among us (pun intended) had any idea of what was actually coming?  The first six months of 2020 have been, imho, unprecedented not only in our lifetime, but also arguably in all of human history.  This begs the question, what does the second half of this current year hold for us?  One can only begin to imagine, but the imaginations are not particularly pretty for planet earth.

Today, July 7th, we are officially one week into the second half of 2020.  The Middle East is a tinder box that could go up in flames at any moment as Israel is poised to annex parts of Judea and Samaria, an act strongly opposed by almost every corner of the world.  A second wave of Covid, real or concocted, is almost certain to be proclaimed as we head into the fall and towards the US presidential election in November.  Who knows what economic impact that will have?  And if we get into October and it looks like Trump might win, God only knows what these desperate, reprobate minds will be willing to do to try to stop him from winning a second term.   America as we have known it our entire life could fall.  Wars and rumors of wars are circulating in numerous parts of the world, including the possibility of a US-China confrontation.  The Corona virus vaccination looms on the horizon, and while its final form may still be uncertain at this time, talk of the ID 2020 Alliance, Covi Passports, quantum dot tattoos, the enzyme luciferase, and crypto currency patents combine to creep out even the most stout of believers in Jesus Christ.  Will we be forced into making some sort of decision about taking the vaccine?  Will the unbridled lawlessness we have witnessed in the past weeks at the hands of anarchists/Marxists continue to spread and increase?  Lots of unanswered questions.

And then, of course, we have the Blessed Hope.  Many within the body of Christ and more specifically within the Watchman remnant community are communicating their belief that 2020 still looks like a prime candidate for the Bride to be snatched out of this chaotic world at the harpazo.  The cry of my heart, and many others, is Maranatha!!!

As I shared in a message I delivered on the last Sunday of 2019, our hope in 2020 must be in the God of the Bible and upon His promises.  Anything else this world has to offer is shifting sand and likely will be tested if it has not already been.  As unbelievable as the first half of 2020 has been, it is entirely possible that the 2nd half may be equally chaotic or perhaps even more so.  It is also possible, some feel even likely, that the Church could be taken out before we reach the end of 2020.

One thing that seems crystal clear is that we would be very foolish to unbuckle our spiritual seatbelts as we move into the second half of this year.  Abba, we see the general direction where things are moving.  We don't know exactly what the next six months hold, but we know the God who holds the next six months.  Gives us grace, strength, wisdom, protection, and courage to stand firm until that trumpet sounds to call us home.  In Jesus' name we ask it, Father.


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Interesting, as well is Terry James'  assessment from RR re: this year's events ~~  he writes:

Americans are being frightened into believing that a virus that nowhere near exceeds annual flu statistics in terms of numbers of deaths makes it mandatory that we follow government dictates that rob us of our civil liberties one incremental step at a time. ~

~ the same cabal that has attempted this coup d’état wants the American public dumbed down and made to follow orders like lemmings so this nation can be brought into the globalist order they are determined to establish.

It is actually Satan, the father of lies, who is behind the machinations we are witnessing.
~ ~The same evil operatives that brought us the coup d’état hoax are of the same ilk that would dictate that we will wear masks because of an enormously exaggerated virus. This lawless ideology will use—and is currently using, in my view—the anarchy, arson, tearing-down of America, and yes, even the so-called coronavirus pandemic, in order to establish the absolute power they crave over a formerly constitutionally protected people.

Bible prophecy is the unmasking of this evil. God, Himself, has ripped the mask from Satan’s plot—for example, in Psalm 2 and throughout chapters of Daniel and Revelation. God has given true transparency into the matters we are facing in these upcoming hours so near the end of this quickly fleeting age.

The more that is revealed through observing these times, the greater the comfort Christians can take from God’s prophetic Word.

'For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. (1 Thessalonians 4:16–18)"
—Terry James


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I suspect, you will hear even more during the next few weeks. It’s like an under current of events we, as watchers, are getting overly (may be incorrect word to use, part a layer of truth) used to and actually expect to occur according to prophecy.

One thing is sure, there is no going back.... the earth is on the path of destruction—- the evil will get what they seek, a one world order for 7 years.

Believers may or may not have to face a bit more, but we are in the home stretch, no doubt there.  After so many decades of waiting, watching, calculating, observing the signs ... we know to look up, stay faithful, don’t give up now, the prize is before you, the race is coming to a close ....

I once ran in a 10K mud run and in the “Boulder, Boulder” race (in your neck of the woods Boulder) - it never fails the first mile is always hard for me, then my second wind comes .. and the last mile is torture until you see the finish line and hear the crowd cheering you on, you pick up speed and focus on that finish line ... each step is, “you got this, you can do this, finish strong”. As you hear it from the crowd and you literately talk yourself to step over that line ... so I say to each of you ... “you got this, you can do this, finish strong, see the Bridegroom is just ahead and the trumpet and those who have gone before us, the great cloud of witnesses is cheering you on ... we so have this!
He is coming, be ready daily! Keep your wick trimmed, your oil filled and wear your wedding garment (armor of God). :prayer-hands:

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Yes, the second half of 2020 should be as fast and furious as the first half.

More cries for a “global reset”, I’m sure. More calls to get rid of cash, entirely.
More wars and rumours of wars. More earthquakes and famines. Increasing birth pangs in their speed and severity.

Just that much closer to and eternity with our Loving, Gracious God. ^^

I’m buckled in. Let’s all finish strong. Maranatha!

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Truly, it's all in God's hands, as we are!

Father God indeed grant us grace, wisdom, patience and strength! May the beacon of the Blessed Hope guide us into Your presence!

Be glorified in all Lord!

But let Your heart also glory in Your Bride.  Let her loving embrace enhance and hurry our being forever unified!

May the Bride's longing heart compel Your hurried return.


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. .  ~ ~   and so while I was jogging (my prayer closet is outdoors under blue skies 😉  ) . .  I asked our Lord:  "Are you coming soon, Jesus?" . .  I instantly felt His reply even before I finished asking . . :  "Sooner than you think"  ~~    I then 'prayered' Him back, 'announcing' . . "but Lord we think it's this year" . . . .  Our Lord on His Throne, smiled, and opened His arms,  drawing me close . . .       . .   could be, huh,   . .  THIS YEAR . . . :prayer-hands:   He's about to draw us all very close . . in the skies ~~

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Thanks for sharing Sis!  See ya soon.


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In their zeal to get rid of physical currency,  they are now saying in parts of the USA that there are coin shortages (planned,  of course)  and that one should not use cash because of that.

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I'm glad you started this in a new thread. The other one got to be verrrry long. But that's how busy 2020 has been! Hold on, folks! We should be out of this mess before too long.

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New agers are very excited about the supposed start of the Age of Aquarius. I won’t link to any New Age sites but one can do a search on “Start of Age of Aquarius December 2020”. They are looking at the Winter Solstice in particular but seem to be very excited about 2020 in general.

They talk about an age of peace and love. This lines up perfectly with the Antichrist’s flattery and false promises.

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