A timely vision....
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A timely vision....

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Having already shared this years ago, I thought it a good idea to resurrect it.

My first vision given to me by the Lord happened when I was but 12 yrs old.  An open vision in which I was fully awake, happened on a Saturday afternoon.  As I was simply looking out at the scenery and rolling foothills behind our house, a screen of sorts appeared.  Like a huge billboard some distance from my house.  It was rectangular in shape.  This shape spoke to me, in that all that was contained therein was finite, and nothing else existed outside this screen.

Again, all that God had created was therein contained.  Then the scene upon the screen seemed to split horizontally, like two sheets of paper joined in the middle. There was a top half and a bottom half.  The top half seemed to contain everything in the heavenly realm, and the bottom half contained everything in earthly realm.

Simultaneously they seemed to roll into it's center being drawn or pulled from behind  like a scroll being rolled up.  The scene of sky and earth disappearing and collapsing into a compressed center.

As I was watching this, I heard a voice speak internally to me.  This voice called me by name and said "you are watching the end of the world, and you will live to see it"!  Like I was watching a movie, when it was ended, the whole experience continued again and again.

This vision repeated itself three times in succession.  Throughout the years, I've tried to make some sense of it all.  Though as an ex Catholic boy, I always had a love and relationship with God. I spent the next forty years anaylizing and searching the scriptures.

Key things seemed to emerge.  1) !t was a vision from God. 2) It happened at the age that Jewish boys become men spiritually. 3) It repeated three time like Peters vision of the sheet. 4) I was given a promise similar to Simeon the priest, that it would happen in my lifetime!

Interestingly enough, God put a check in my spirit for 40 yrs with regards to speaking of it or sharing it openly!  When the Lord did release me to speak of it, it prompted me to ask the Lord, Why Now?!

The Lord responded saying, it wasn't my vision, but His!

I share this again now hoping it will bless someone!

Love & blessings...Tender Reed

Posted : March 18, 2019 3:17 pm
Posts: 65
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WOW,  Tender Reed...it DID bless someone...many, many someones!  Wow, I am just amazed at your vision...and of your ability NOT to speak of it.  Wow, sorry I don't really know what to say!  Thank you and God bless you for sharing it with us!  (I shouldn't even post this, haha, it sounds kind of dumb...but I was just "dumbstruck" by your vision at such a young age.  Again, thank you...and just  WOW!!!!!    Elaine    :thankyou

Posted : March 18, 2019 4:21 pm
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Again, it was the Lord's vision.

I found it interesting all the tie ins to scripture and people of the Bible.   Issiah, who said he saw the heavens & earth being rolled up like a scroll.

The rate of occurrence with Peter's vision repeating three times.

A promise shared like Simeon the Priest.  I always wanted to be a priest until girls.  But I have been called a priest unto the Lord!

A forty year period like Moses's life split into three separate 40 yr periods.

Confirmations that it was indeed from the Lord abound.

I still don't understand why though I was blessed with that vision!!!



Posted : March 18, 2019 4:33 pm
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The fact that it did happen at that age is also a confirmation that I could not have manufactured it myself!

Thanks for your kind thoughts, Sis.


Posted : March 18, 2019 4:35 pm
Posts: 65
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Yes, definitely, TR, and thank you again for posting it!  I just find it all so amazing, and you being so young...and promised that you would live to see it.  I feel like I don't have any words but...Wow...haha

Posted : March 18, 2019 4:50 pm
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Hi TR.  Thanks for sharing the vision again.  Very encouraging and timely.  I've got something that goes right along with it.  A few years ago I felt the Lord spoke to my spirit that we are the "Simeon generation".  I immediately understood that to mean that we are the generation that will not die before we see the Lord.  Only this time, it will not be in as a Babe being dedicated in an earthly temple, but instead as the Bridegroom coming in the air for His beloved.:flyup:   Maranatha!!!

Edit: One more thought just crossed my mind as you posed the question in a follow-up post about why you were chosen to receive the vision.  With Purim just a few days away, I think your answer may be found in the simple words, "For such a time as this..."  :good:


Posted : March 18, 2019 5:01 pm
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Thanks for your responses.

I guess a 50 yr heads-up could get lost in the pages of time! Maybe this is why I posted it again.

Sincerely, TR

Posted : March 18, 2019 5:37 pm
Posts: 510
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In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established...2 Cor 13:1b  Hmmmm...:yahoo:

Posted : March 18, 2019 5:44 pm
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Simeon genertion, Hmmm!


Posted : March 18, 2019 6:05 pm
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TR:  I'm pretty sure I saw your post of this the first time, but this time I was really drawn in by this statement:  "The top half seemed to contain everything in the heavenly realm, and the bottom half contained everything in earthly realm" because I just started re-reading a book I'd read (at least part of) years ago and he talks about something like that in Ch. 2 "The Line" based on 2 Corinthians 4:18 & he symbolically draws a line horizontally to demonstrate the concept with the top being eternal/unseen and the bottom being temporal/seen.

My first thought was of that book (The Rest of the Gospel by Dan Stone & Greg Smith and then when I read:

"Simultaneously they seemed to roll into it’s center being drawn or pulled from behind like a scroll being rolled up. The scene of sky and earth disappearing and collapsing into a compressed center."

and while I'm typing this, I think of how He's going to one day soon bring the two realms visibly together into one (really for the whole world beginning with the Rapture when Believers in Christ will get their glorified bodies and get to actually see God and the spiritual world of Heaven and when there will also be, as far as I understand, a lot of the spiritual world actually seen here on Earth...then just progressing rapidly til Jesus & us in our glorified bodies come back down to Earth, then His once spiritual Kingdom being set up physically for the Millennium and finally for the old to pass away and we get a new heaven & new earth for Eternity!)

Watchmen35:  I love the hope of being the “Simeon generation”!


(PS there is a possibility that I was reading this book back when you posted it the first time- I haven't gone back to the old website to see if I replied the first time the same way as this-

so this may be de ja vu  :scratch:


Posted : March 19, 2019 10:29 am
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The incidentals that bring this into focus as far as timing are these.

I had a miraculous birth, died and was revived. I have since survived 4 heart attacks.  Throughout the years, angels have saved my life many times over. My father died at the age 47 from a stroke. And I never thought I would live to see 67 yrs of age.

I have a wife who loves & respects me.  Children do the same, as well as grandchildren.  Now recently have become a great grandfather two times over.

Never thought I would last this long.  How much longer before He returns?


Posted : March 19, 2019 11:18 am
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Not bad for an old Jesus Freak!


Posted : March 19, 2019 11:19 am
Posts: 17
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A truly amazing vision.

Posted : March 25, 2019 2:36 pm
Posts: 32
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Thank you for sharing! I have also had a waking vision of the world being rolled up. These visions are new to me. Maybe because for years I was taught God didn’t speak that way anymore. Thank you for sharing. I do pray we will not sleep, but we will be changed! :yahoo:

Posted : March 29, 2019 4:46 am
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Bless your heart Sis!

Point is that the Lord speaks to us all.  The Word say that signs and wonders will follow those that believe!


Posted : April 2, 2019 3:03 pm