@humblyirrelevant I like Seger too. I was living in Plymouth, MI when his Live Bullet album came out. It dominated the radio. 😊 🎶 Sometimes at night, I see His face,🎶 I feel the traces He left on my soul.🎶
🎶And those are the memories 🎶... @terry {ritan-emojis}:rotfl: {ritan-emojis}:rotfl: Up with the Son, gone with the wind. They always said we were crazy.
🎶 Leavin' my home, leavin' my friends,🎶 runnin' to Jesus to sa... @terry 🙂 @patrician That is so sad. 😔 @patrician Ah, Newsom, the bringer of death. You all have seen a lot of Aaron at God A Minute videos and no doubt have noticed his musical gear but have you ever heard him sing? Well now you have... @terry That really is compelling. We don't have long to wait to see if it is so. @perhapstoday {ritan-emojis}:rotfl: @terry Amen!!! I agree that there are a lot of people out there looking for attention. That goes for any group imaginable. Discernment is needed. But I stand with Ke... @paulr He looks like he's been through it. Lol Of course, I've only seen hyenas on Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom 😊 and similar wildlife docu... @heidi Yes, she had her identity stolen a few years ago and was offline for a few months. Humbly, I am going to echo what Patricia said. The Apostle Paul instructed us to encourage one another and that is what you do/did. You must not apolo... @terry Thanks for checking into that, Terry. I don’t trust Hal. Geri! Where are you? @paulr They do. It will be fun to watch this chicken molt when it's his turn to be investigated. @terry Good idea, Terry. Prayers for his salvation. {ritan-emojis}:prayer: @terry Wow! What a voice! @terry I still get a sip from time to time. Today, while working on my garden I had a sip. 😊 @heidi So true! There are so many things in our daily lives that we have to be thankful for. I thank God every day for a hot shower. Simple things are... @perhapstoday Great answer, Perhaps Today! If we do not wake up and bring God back there will be no more country. @terry That is my hunch as well. @terry That is so true!
Last seen: March 9, 2025 7:03 pm