I wanted to share a new link I saw on Facebook. The name of the group is called Living By faith. I will include their Facebook link so if you have a Facebook account and wanted to view their pictures you could take a look and enjoy the pictures. I am copying one of their pictures here so you can see what they are like. I think you will enjoy them like I do.
@yohanan And such a sweet, unassuming fellow. Not at all like what shows up for Superbowl halftimes. I hope he's saved. We'll say a little prayer just in case. He can sing at our party at the big Steak N Shake in the sky.
@yohanan That's a rare brown hyena. I've only ever seen one on the Skeleton Coast in Namibia. It normally scavenges on carcasses left by other predators. Yep, it's the ideal pick for this little life lesson!
@paulr He looks like he's been through it. Lol Of course, I've only seen hyenas on Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom 😊 and similar wildlife documentaries. I bet you see all kinds of interesting animals.
Tip of the hat to Blue for her post of the article about the constellations this weekend. (In case anyone is concerned, Marily McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. are dedicated Christians.)