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Anti-Israel protesters light flares, chant ‘Long Live the Intifada' outside NYC exhibit for Oct 7 victims  

This was on June 7, we are seeing demons working, but in Jesus Name, we will keep praying for the Jewish people, as God told us to do.  We will keep praying for others to find Jesus before it's to late.

We have to realize God is in control of this world, His word has to go thru every period. In America, we are seeing satan is doing his job, with evil, we are not to fear, but stand firm.  We may see more than we ever believed would happen, but our trust in God, is our faith. I will vote according to God's values, nothing else. The world see's evil as good, I see God is Good and Jesus is the answer to life, I'm thankful God's Spirit lives in me as I know He does in you. Don't let your love for Jesus be taking away, satan is a snake, we fly soon.

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Corny but cute, per Mark Hitchcock.  Enoch loved to walk with God.  They walked together and fellowshipped every day.  One day God said Enoch, we've walked so far we're closer to my house than yours.  Why don't you come home with me today.

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@terry We will hear the same thing soon.

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@yohanan Yahoo Define "soon.  Sunday?

Paul R
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@terry Yep. Sunday would be an excellent definition of 'soon' Good

Rick Jones
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@yohanan Some of may hear "the white zone is used for loading and unloading only" Yahoo

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@rickjones427 did I hear someone say the white zone is for loading and unloading only...

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If not Sunday, I like sunset Thursday to sunset Friday.  This may be the 15th day of the 3rd month.

153 fish caught.  Why is this detail provided  in that story?

Summer begins at 4:50 ET, but it will be 10 minutes before midnight in Israel.  Reminds me of the parable of the ten virgins, when the father tells his son to go get his bride at midnight.

And it will be Thursday ET, as some have stated.

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@hopeland You may be on to something.  Dr. Barry put up a video this evening saying that Aaron was mistaken; Feast of Weeks is Friday, June 21.

Paul R
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@terry ...yes, and the Feast of New Wine is on the 9th of Av; this year on 12/13 August.

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Thanks Terry for letting us know about Dr Awe's latest video.

Paul, I also have 8-13 in mind.

The thing I struggle with is ... If Jesus was crucified in 31 AD, then the covenant with many would need to get signed in a few short months.  So either 8-13 is cutting it too close, or Jesus was crucified in 32 AD and we may be here another year.  Still hoping for this year.

Only God knows.  I surely do not.

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The torah calendar has the 9th of Av on July 15/16- they believe the crops were in abib in March so they started Nisan in March which would make the 1st of Av July 8th, the fist day of the 5th month....which I like since Jesus when talking about witnessing did say "do we not say there is 4 months and then the harvest?"

I know he was using it as an analogy but I still like the possibility of duel fulfillment. Yes  

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@churchgal I am not sure Christians should be believing anything from the Koran.


Patricia N.
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I am confused by this comment.  The Torah is the first five books of the Old Testament.  Or were you referring to a different post?

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@perhapstoday this is not from the Quran, the torah calender page is a messianic hebrew site using old testament scripture to attempt to determine a calender. They are believers in Jesus.

Paul R
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@churchgal I like it too! I was just repeating Dr Barry Awe's timeline. (I generally steer clear of the calendar confusion -- my simple brain can't handle it)

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@paulr I agree!! all the calenders are confusing and I don't put all my eggs there, just makes it interesting to watch Yes

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Everything is looking like we leave "soon"

-Fair Use-

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Paul R
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@blue Thanks Blue.

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Lots still going on behind the scenes....

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The Seven Raptures: Why The Catching Away Of The Church Is Not A Biblically Unprecedented Event:

A lot of people find the idea of a rapture, a snatching away of people to heaven without dying, very difficult to accept. It seems too strange and too bizarre to be true. “After all,” they say, “nothing like that’s ever happened before!” But that’s actually not true.

It may surprise you to know that there has been a rapture before. In fact, there are several in Scripture. Six of these raptures have already occurred, historically foreshadowing and helping to shed some light on the final rapture still to come.

So, what are these six previous raptures, and what do they tell us about the final rapture that’s to come?

The rapture prior to the New Testament had not been clearly revealed. The Rapture in First Corinthians 15 is called “the mystery.” Now, “mystery” in the New Testament is not something spooky or hard to understand. It means a truth that’s never been revealed before. However, there are still three Old Testament rapture events that help serve as types, illustrations, foreshadows, previews, or patterns of the future rapture to come.

The first is the rapture of Enoch. The first of these raptures involved a man named Enoch, who lived before the global flood. We find his story in Genesis chapter five.  Genesis 5:21-24: ...And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.”  To make certain there was no misunderstanding about what happened to Enoch, Hebrews 11:5 confirms Enoch’s rapture to heaven, saying, “By faith Enoch was taken up so that he would not see death; and he was not found because God took him up; for he obtained the witness that before his being taken up he was pleasing to God.”  Enoch also serves as a very graphic illustration of the suddenness of the rapture. He was there, and then a moment later, he was not there. The Bible tells us we will be taken up “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).

The second Rapture in Scripture is the Rapture of Elijah in the book of Second Kings. 2 Kings 2:1, 11 says, “And it came to pass, when the Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal…. And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.”  Elijah and Elisha are there together, walking along, and suddenly Elijah is caught up to heaven without dying. All Elisha could do was look on in amazement.

The third rapture in the Old Testament is the Rapture of Isaiah. Isaiah chapter six records God’s calling of the prophet Isaiah. He is caught up and sees God seated on His throne.  Some think Isaiah saw God on the throne in the earthly Temple in Jerusalem, others that he just saw God in a vision, but many believe, myself included, that Isaiah experienced a rapture or catching up to heaven where he saw God on the throne in heaven.  If this is a rapture, it is worth noting that he came back down to the earth, whereas Enoch and Elijah went up to heaven and stayed there.

There are four New Testament raptures. The first one is the Rapture of Philip. Philip was in the desert and comes across an Ethiopian eunuch who is reading Isaiah 53. He leads him to Christ, and in Acts 8:39-40, after he baptizes the eunuch, it says, “when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more. But Philip was found at Azotus…”  The term “caught away” is the word “harpazo” in the Greek, and it’s used in the New Testament for the rapture. Notice, Philip is snapped and taken 20 miles away to a different place. Philip suddenly found himself at Azotus. Of all six of these raptures, Philip is the only person who, while physically Ratured, wasn’t taken to heaven.

The Rapture of Paul is one of the most incredible stories in the Bible. 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 Paul tells this story in his own words. He says,  “I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such a one caught up [harpazo] to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) How that he was caught up [harpazo] into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.”  Paul, at some point in his life, was caught up to heaven. That’s one of the reasons why I believe Paul loved the doctrine of the rapture so much. He had experienced a rapture and heard things he said were not permissible for a man to speak. Therefore, he couldn’t wait for all believers someday to be raptured to heaven as well.

The next rapture that’s happened already is the Rapture of Jesus. Jesus was raptured to Heaven in Acts 1:9-11, ascending to Heaven when His earthly ministry was over. In Revelation 12:5, referring to that ascension, the word “harpazo” or rapture is used.

Those are six raptures that have already taken place, and they preview and foreshadow the one rapture that’s still to come—the rapture of the church. The only difference will be that the rapture of the church is going to be a corporate event rather than individual.

What do the raptures which have taken place teach us about the one rapture still to come?

First, if those first six raptures were literal events, we can expect that the future rapture will be literally fulfilled as well. It is not a symbolic event.

Second, the rapture of the church will involve a physical transfer of people from one place to another, namely, from earth to heaven. The only rapture that didn’t involve a transfer from earth to heaven was the rapture of Philip, but it, too, was a relocation from one place to another.

Finally, the rapture of the church will happen suddenly and instantaneously. Enoch was there, and then he was not. The same is true of all these other raptures as well. First Corinthians 15 tells us the rapture is going to happen “in a moment,” the word “atomos” in the Greek, which means something that can’t be divided any further, “in the twinkling of an eye.”

An entire generation of believers will do an end run on the grave. That’s the great event, and that’s our hope in this increasingly dark world in which we live. That’s the event that we’re waiting for and looking for.


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Amir's (Tsarfati's) Bible Bites Devotionals from his e-mail newsletter:

We will always be the minority, always. We were not even designed to be the majority. We are designed to be only at the end, the only ones. But until He will make all things new, new heavens, new earth, new Jerusalem, where we are the only dwellers, we will always be the minority. Don't seek to be the majority because you will not be. Wide is the path to destruction, narrow is the path to salvation. You understand? To begin with, we're not of this world. We are citizens of the heavenlies. We are not... If you want to be like the world, look what's going to happen because He who is in you is greater than He who is in the world. They are of the world, therefore, they speak as of the world and the world hears them. The world will hear you when you speak to the world what the world wants to hear. The world will not hear you if you speak the truth.

While we will never be the majority in this world, God always has a faithful remnant. Even in times and places where we feel like we are all alone or at least among the few in regards to faithfulness and commitment to the Lord. One of the major problems for many today is finding those among the remnant and the church body where they meet. Many churches today have opted for building attendance numbers through church growth programs rather than their primary efforts being focused on saving souls.

As citizens of heaven living on earth it should be noticeable that we are from somewhere else. It’s true of people from other countries who transplant into another. How much more then should we give people a reason to ask, “You’re not from around here, are you?”

We are not of this world which means two major things: 1) We should feel out of place here like a resident alien and 2) Others should be able to know “we’re not from around here.” So, if you feel like you’re the only Christian at work, at school, or even in your own family, remember, you are not alone and there are others like you. Don’t change to become part of the majority, but remember you’re a sojourner and pilgrim. This world is not your home and, most importantly, someday we will all be going home.

2 Thessalonians 2:1a
Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you…

The Greek word translated as “gathering” means “the complete collection assembling together." The phrase “to Him” indicates the location of the meeting which is, according to Jesus in John 14, in His Father’s house. So, let this be a “still small voice” reminder to you today that you are never alone. God is with and in you, and someday, we will all be together where He is. Fullness of joy and pleasures forever more will be ours and we will no longer be or feel like strangers and pilgrims.

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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An interesting comment: when bombs come down, we go up. What are your thoughts?


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@vicki That's one of Bob's sayings, When the bombs come down, we go up.  There's also a saying from the proponents of the theory of "aliens" coming as a cover-up explanation for the rapture, When we go up, they show up.

Having moved from the city to the country, I also like the saying, We're not from here.  

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Maybe this will be the month! Feels like it's literally years overdue! Hopefully it's no later than 2024!

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The Church Age Is Winding Down—And The World Is Running Out Of Time:
By Jan Markell

...the Church Age is winding down.  Let me highlight ten events from this current year that have convinced me of this.

1) Israel is alone. After she was brutally attacked in October of 2023, one would have thought the world would rally to her side. Not so! Not even America is now her ally. The U.S. is withholding weapons and intelligence.

The International Criminal Court wanted to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu in May just for defending his country. The European Union, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the International Court of Justice, have all denounced the Jewish state just for wanting to wipe out Hamas thugs. Zechariah 12:3 is in play. She is isolated and is the world’s burdensome stone.

2) The spirit of the Antichrist has been loosed on the earth. The headquarters appear to be America. We tell the world how to tear apart college campuses and how corrupt government should work. We even embarrass banana republics by trying to jail former presidents in a style that natives in the rainforest couldn’t dream up.

3) There is a new level of calling evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20).  Hamas is celebrated around the world! Christians are persecuted like never before. Islam is glorified, particularly on college campuses. Those who protest abortions are jailed. The White House and U.N. mourned the death of Iran’s President Raisi on May 19, the “Butcher of Tehran.”

4) The world is leaderless. There is not one global leader to whom the world looks. Governments everywhere operate like the Keystone Kops. World War III could easily erupt as a result. The world is unsure of just who is running the White House. The stage is being set for a Mr. Fix-It, whom the world will celebrate. They just want stability and someone in charge to enforce peace and security.

5) There is a rush to global government. And strangely, unusual power is being given to the corrupt World Health Organization, who could end up being the leader of the world. They met in May and could use another pandemic to unite the world. The stage was set with Covid. They have targeted 2025 as a possible timeline.

6) Artificial intelligence is being refined to rule the world. The goal is that it will be smarter than mankind. And the Antichrist will need this system to run his global kingdom. Even now, Microsoft CoPilot AI demands to be worshipped. Technology has gone too far. The inanimate is god-like.

7) The aberrant is celebrated as normal and should be the world standard. In the predicted end-time decline of man’s character, we are watching the homosexual and trans movement be hailed, and the lovers of biblical values be persecuted and jailed. The sanctity of life is scoffed at. As predicted, mankind lives for money and power at the expense of everyone and anyone.

8) Too many churches are majoring in minors and furthering unsound doctrine. There are wolves among the flock. Church members hear about their best life now; about being purpose-driven and about attracting “seekers” to church. Sin is avoided. Eschatology (Bible prophecy) is scoffed at and marginalized. Pulpits are “woke."

9) A new way of doing business is waiting in the wings. It will be cashless. It will be crypto. It will be blockchain so that it tracks your every purchase. It could be in play very soon, though power brokers may delay it until after our November election.  It will be at the heart of the Beast system...

10) The violence of the Days of Noah is upon us. Criminal prosecutions are soaring—in some areas by 5,000%. Cities are ravaged by crime. Entire towns are closing down a business district due to theft and lawlessness. Society is on the move, re-locating to safe cities and states, just to lead a more normal life, away from the mayhem.

I have been watching the so-called signs of the times for a few decades. Nothing compares to the last five to ten years. Events have been stunning and game-changing.  ...the stage is being set for the closing act of a global drama. A trumpet will soon sound and the Church will escape this scenario to enjoy the wonder of Heaven. But every reader will leave someone behind who will have to cope with trial and turmoil.

That is why sharing the gospel should be the first order of business when it comes to being about our Father’s business!


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