Dr. Barry likes April 9. Nelson Walters put up a new video about April 9. Nelson isn't pre-trib, but he's one sharp cookie, and we love him. If you... @blue Anything that moves the date up closer is a good theory! Thanks. Glad you're here. @davedave In case it's not reversed, 923, September 23, is Feast of Trumpets. Interesting theory from Doves. Also, it is surmised that Elijah was taken up in a chariot of fire with horses. Oh dear, I posted the wrong video. (Oh well, anything Tom Horn says is brilliant.) Here's the one with the quote at 3:41. Tom Horn quote:
… the beginning of 2025, three and a half years before the arrival of Apophis, Wormwood, and if Tom Horn is right, that is the midd... DJT purports to be concerned with saving money, why does he want to send anyone to the moon? They think they're so special, let them go. Maybe we ca... That's what's called a duet. Update: In my ladies chat someone posted this about JoAnn's fabric and craft stores. They have been bought out and are closing soon, but it could be ... @heidi Check out Kelly Girls or other temporary help agencies. They use all different kinds of people with all kinds of different skills. And if she... Purim connection. Warning: There are three sections, but only two in this video. The third section will come out later. @patrician Thanks. I recently came across a video about how great it will be. One of the quotes: you got millions of options for yarn for knitting I... @blue Thanks. @heidi Will do. I'll also put you on the prayer list on my ladies forum. New British coin. From the video. Our buddy Craig Bong. Haven't watched yet. Although, in that regard, the post-tribbers have a point in that townspeople went out to meet kings returning from war and accompany them back to town... @patrician Praying for health and salvation. If aluminum is such a good thing why did I have to give up all my Club Aluminum cookware so many years ago? CJ Lovik. Audio only. He said the video will be posted the middle of February but what he has to say is too important to wait till then. Jonathan Cahn speaking of Trump and the inauguration.
Last seen: March 26, 2025 11:59 am