Geri, if I didn’t agree with you I’d take that bet! My heart and spirit were crushed with the evil, I spent a lot of time in scripture today to encour... The YT has been removed :unsure: 🙁 Geri, thanks for sharing this, a jewel of facts and clarity. 😉 :yes: :popcorn Different wave length and only kills “some” microbes. UV-C is an extremely effective option for disinfecting, it does come with a safety warning. Many... Ah-ha, busted! Geri, you should work for Sherlock Holmes, my dear Watson .... Plenty of D (from the sun), Zinc and C will do the trick for most folks.... Crazy, demon fling .... pray for Harpazo today and the little ones won’t be subject to this awfulness. Please Abba, bring us home :prayer-hands: Certainly going to mess up my solar panels .... :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :calvin wait if my solar energy is considered green but they cover... Brothers and sisters on RITAN, I feel compelled by the Lord to remind you, it will only continue to worsen and it is actually ok! Encourage one anothe... Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make str... Magnificent, and this is with our veiled eyes! Thank you for sharing! :prayer-hands: Arthur, interesting, as yesterday, while trying to locate a good movie on ImDB I came across an fairly large number of documentaries on extraterrestri... That surely reached the father’s ear and heart! Interesting is that over the last few days during my quiet time, my thoughts have been turned toward t... TR said “We however keep moving towards critical mass, awaiting God’s Messiah, or Satan’s!”
I would like to shout this from the rooftops—- humanity i... So many people, adults, children, and babes too, what a mess of horror —- terribly beyond sad, no words. God must weep for these types of heinous crim... Our testimony remains pure and blameless... for the day of Christ ...
Thank you Kolleen, and happy new year everyone, 2021 is certainly off to a roar... Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who will receive His Bride any day, wait for it .... wait for it .... the Harpazo is coming .... get rea... Yes we are! The door to heaven is ready to be flung wide open! :yahoo: For the last New Year celebration, I had a small glass of Pink Mascato, worked on about 200 of my memory verses, did a puzzle, ate chocolate and chips... Don’t follow Twitter but it was on Parler and Rumble by Charlie Kirk ... And brother it is getting down right gruesome down here..... :calvin ouch! TR —- speak for yourself, Yohanan and I have already dubbed a coffee area! :yahoo: :wacko: Gotta have the Jo to keep the go on! :mdrmdr: Ooh maybe a new fav TR sounds marvelous! :yes: I’m torn between the farmers club, reading circle, sewing/craft Gil, Scientist/ medical groupies, teachers trenches, techie troup .... also want to pi... MWS - I am pretty sure the introvert phenomena will be extinguished with the onset of our heavenly abodes .... I know you may this hard to believe, bu... Geri —- .....”apple (YES), blueberry (YES), cherry (YES), Lemon meringue (My absolute fav), pecan (NO), coconut cream (YES), chocolate (YES), pistach... Falsie is a troll, a little worm — yes I do pray for his salvation but he may be one given up to a reprobate mind .... my opinion! Please ignore the s... Pumpkin pie with whip topping —- yum! Lining up the buffet again :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :stinkerbell: Will. Try. Again .... internet issues tonight ... interesting upcoming events in the heavens as they declare Gods handiwork and message:
January 28 is... Totally awesome picture of the moon Rick, can’t wait to see it from the other side, if we have time as we sweep heaven ward .... :yahoo: :prayer-hands...
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm