May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless every one of you this year and may we all be taken up into the clouds to meet Him very, very soon! Amen! Then we'll be happy! TR May this be our happiest year ever. Our joy is of the Lord. Amen! :flyup: Closer, closer, ever closer to glory! For when we are taken up we will no longer pray Happy New Year here on earth! But forever live in the joy of the Lord! TR Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who will receive His Bride any day, wait for it .... wait for it .... the Harpazo is coming .... get ready for the ride of our eternity :yahoo: :prayer-hands: :flyup: :prayer-hands: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: I 'heard' in my spirit re: the rapture, our Lord saying: "Never to leave My embrace, for here and now is your place" ~ ~ We are so sooooooooooo ready to meet our Lord in the clouds, . . arising at His call, and into His open arms: . .
Happy New Year everyone! :yahoo:
December 31, 2020 9:12 pm
6 Replies
December 31, 2020 10:36 pm
December 31, 2020 11:14 pm
January 1, 2021 1:37 am
January 1, 2021 7:30 am
January 1, 2021 9:48 am
January 1, 2021 3:11 pm