Even cooler still, per the Temple Institute they can erect the temple in 3 months due to modern technology. The puzzle is almost complete! :prayer-han... Geri, you are so right on the significance of how this ALL works moving the prophetic clock along at a super sonic pace, the global command is going t... Nope, me neither, he has kept EVERY promise he made, he holds to the sanctity of life and has proven that, he has increased and supported Israel .... ... Remember, there has been a deliberate attempt at misinformation to keep the cabal, in their arrogance, off guard. BiBi may have been playing it along ... Oh what a mystery indeed! The laptops where part of a planned event of abduction. The amazing part is the computers were left open and active.....now ... Amen to that TR, ALL of this is just the corrupt world reaping what has been sown ... we are just watching it unfold, and this is not even God’s wrath... Geri, this is not fabricated, pay close attention to paragraph four ... their is still yet to be work for believers (not patriots necessarily), people... Russia not at all, Germany (per my brother who lives there) delusioned, Israel is totally aware and supportive of Trump from those that count, Iran is... Geri, it’s not a hoax by far, surreal for sure! Thankful to see my son today, he has left DC per order from the Pentagon... many folks have left the a... That’s ok Melissa, it’s like a bad movie — but it never hurts for the elect to be ready in season and out... :good: Rick —- Simon and Charlie are spot on with their intel, even if they are Qnon. Like Jesus said, except the very elect be fooled and many have been wi... And Regina they used CGI for the Pope & a surrogate, or as Geri showed, was it really her ... who knows any more, most of the sources I use are a... So they did allow the mellow Pelosi to begin her backdown of stuff. Bet she made a deal, with her laptop and the GE /China deal stopped because Trump ... Hope this posts. 7000 groups in DC as of this evening.... can’t get the video to post .. shows marching troops
Can’t validate this but apparently fro... Well my original post got dropped :unsure: 🙁 Anyway short and sweet, sounds strong and much is already known. Questionable regarding O ( the man w... They got it according to Sidney P., L. Wood, and Rudy G. .... that is why she has been going absolutely bonkers, almost a demonic craze..... she’s toa... We have discussed this in detail and all are in agreement .... hope the rest of the world gets a clue 😥 :prayer-hands: Geri and all, please see my post on the other continuing string .. the insurrection act has been signed ... it is happening and Trump is moving .... y... It will be interesting to see if she dies this week, she made a “Deal”
Do you remember the ceremony last year that Trump attended in England? He walk... Long read but it’s from David Steele, the ex-spy ....
from L Wood Yeah Arthur, as Simon said, he’s so dangerous he had to be removed from Twitter, but it’s ok to have the nuke codes. :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:
Oh and Pelosi t... It happens, you ok? I didn’t knock you over did I brother! So much is escalating right now in my state .... lots of prayers please, for God’s will, di... Geri and to agree with you, Trump has the Emergency Broadcasting system at his finger tips to communicate. The left has lost what little they had of t... Sorry — my second edit got run over by TR .... correction on the above ... that’s about what’s going on in DC now .... traffic cameras show slower tha... So you have to get past there Q Utopia (we know we here don’t hold to this improving the world Utopia, only Jesus can do that and He will after His se... Censorship has begun .... Parler has been pulled down by Silicon Valley. Communication is being halted, this will incite a war. There are many who wil... DO —- sounds like “Bernie Sanders” —— ouch! Sorry, hope the levity doesn’t offend —- meant to encourage the mood! I have one of those governors in my ... Appreciate you Geri, I will get on the video right away.. I’m excited to see you and just everyone on RITAN, plus family, friends, disciples, Esther, ... For the continued forward motion of Israel and our rapture, I pray so! Geri, if this comes to be, I’ll drink the tea as well, you have encouraged my heart with your posts! He is a great man and I’m so proud to be an Ameri...
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm