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Election Update from Unsealed.org v.5

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Geri, it’s not a hoax by far, surreal for sure! Thankful to see my son today, he has left DC per order from the Pentagon... many folks have left the area and we are now under Military coverage, I have lotsa friends that are active in every service branch and in high places .... lot of stuff going on. Simon is really good and Monkey is too for aircraft action.

Trump is moving the pieces on the chess board, ever wondered why he is considered a level 5D chess master? Did you know that scripture says satan and his host are thrown down to level four and lower, just saying!
Going home sooner than we all believe and that is also very surreal—- PTL :prayer-hands: :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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Russia not at all, Germany (per my brother who lives there) delusioned, Israel is totally aware and supportive of Trump from those that count, Iran is still in a state of delusion, the UK is fully aware, Italy is also aware as their top level general and president have been arrested, China will be very ticked per Executive Order 13959 that is now in play. Melissa, may help you understand some of that if you listen to Danielle, Charlie, and Simons video posted today on simonparkes.org

Just saying, your choice ... praying for an imminent Harpazo for sure! :prayer-hands:

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Geri, this is not fabricated, pay close attention to paragraph four ... their is still yet to be work for believers (not patriots necessarily), people all over the world will be afraid and seeking answers, remember

1 Peter 3:15-16 “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.“

That I believe is our last hurrah before we fly and take some folks with us, so hang in their, your neighbors may be knocking on your door soon for a reason, for the hope that is in you! :prayer-hands:

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Christ is anyone's only real hope!


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Yes TR. We need to stay in prayer and the Word, and walk in the Spirit. He’s got this! See you all soon!  Kent.

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Amen to that TR, ALL of this is just the corrupt world reaping what has been sown ... we are just watching it unfold, and this is not even God’s wrath poured out yet!

Here is a verse God gave me in October 2020 during one of my Bible/ prayer times, we are not to go to sleep while we wait for our departure, we are to use these marvelous computer brains He gave us to be fully ready for “the midnight cry” or whatever He brings your way ...

1 Peter 1:13 “Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

The signs of our departure are certainly all around us, but we have not left yet, so we are to be about the Father’s business and what is occurring around us will certainly give way to opportunity if we are ready for it ... :popcorn :popcorn :prayer-hands:

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So were Pelosi and Schumer’s desks in the same wing where the lady with the backpack (CIA agent) that “got” shot in the neck while attempting to jump down from the glass window frame?  And the press claimed died ... but from the youtube it clearly showed the person with the gun, at the last moment, pointed the gun across the hall and fired.  Was the real reason the whole wing was blocked off with bookcases, desks, photocopiers, etc at the doors to keep antifa from entering and she was trying to prevent the special ops from taking the laptops and hard drives? :unsure:


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Hi Tammie, I will check that out.    This forum has a non conspiracy rule, #8, which is in place to try to uphold truth on this site.  I don’t believe Nancy Pelosi has been whisked off to Gitmo or that the Pope and the Pres of Italy have been arrested.  Rabbit trails can be harmful!! The truth is disturbing enough.  Praying for all to discern these stories and to rest in our Lord.

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Oh what a mystery indeed! The laptops where part of a planned event of abduction. The amazing part is the computers were left open and active.....now I have a secure company computer and I never leave it up an running if I’m away from my office, that’s a huge no-no!

The GE deal with China was halted because of the find on her laptop.

I hope Arthur can answer this ... but are they still checking all vehicles on entry into Canada? I know “certain folks” have now been restricted from taking off in airplanes, even private ones, from leaving the country.

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I think this will eventually trigger the G/M war ... especially after the rapture happens and all chaos unfolds ... they will siege the opportunity then  because Iran was counting on Biden/Harris to give them lots of money and who knows what other knowledge and/or military equipment?

And Bibi ... what must he be thinking now after backstabbing Trump by congratulating Biden on the “win” when nothing was truly official yet. ((Crickets chirping))

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