Below are the different stages of Red predicted by Q prior to all of this. I think we are at RED 5 Trump is at NATIONAL MILITARY COMMAND CENTER. NOTICE TRUMP HAS NOT SPOKEN TODAY. INSURRECTION ACT IS COMING. MILITARY ACTION IN MY OPION. LISTEN TO MONKEY WERXS BELOW. HIS A DIE HARD CHRISTIAN. For the continued forward motion of Israel and our rapture, I pray so! I saw a decked-out C-130 flying very low over Denver, Colorado this afternoon. Never seen one of those before. On October 4, 2020 there were two decked-out B52's flying almost wing-to-wing at about 900 feet. In fact, their wings were so close I thought there was going to be a deliberate collision, possibly indicating a terrorist attack. Surreal. Speaking about arrests ... What do you think about this ... the lady making this clip claims … Senator Lindsey Graham was arrested today, followed by a group of Trump supporters asking him why he betrayed this country and was prevented from flying out at Ronald Reagan Airport. Someone commented why would he get arrested? He just has police escort protection. Is this normal procedure to have THAT many police escorting you somewhere? And why was he prevented from flying out? And why use the emergency EXIT doors and not the regular front entrance/exit doors? I’m thinking perhaps they handcuffed him in that EXIT zone so nobody could see the arrest being made? :unsure: - Fair Use - Nothing in this life makes any sense anymore. We minions can't discern lies from the truth, and we can't distinguish liars from those who tell the truth. I saw Graham on Hannity last night with this same clip. So the question is, how can he be on Hannity after this arrest and act like nothing happened other than a person yelling at him? I trust in the Lord because I am skeptical about everything else in life now. Humbly We can just hope that we are out of here soon! This is all too much to decipher and understand! With today’s technology and fake news, they keep us in a constant state of anxiety! I am in agreement with you JesusGirl -- we are mushrooms that are kept in the dark until our vote is needed. This world is so very evil Lord, please come and rescue us because the purge has already begun for Christians and Conservatives in this country that we once loved with all our hearts. Unless you come for us now, or work a miracle of putting this election back right-side-up, there is no hope except for you taking us out of here. Even so, come Lord Jesus!!!!!!! Humbly Amen!!!
Shabbat Shalom ??⚡️