In definite need of refining! Nail on the head! TR gratefulforgrace, that was most definitely God-inspired! Something I will read and reread again! Very well said. Nope, me neither, he has kept EVERY promise he made, he holds to the sanctity of life and has proven that, he has increased and supported Israel .... those that have not watched him closely will not see how God has used him as he did with Cyrus, David, and Esther! Amazing! Our final destination is heaven and the sooner the better, but I have been praying for a time to take more souls with us and that may be upon us. :prayer-hands: Geri7, I pray and hope that is the case. If you haven't heard the first bill Biden will sign into law if he gets in is a 20,000 page domestic terrorism bill they are working on. No doubt they will label Trump supporters as domestic terrorists and go after them in a hurry They will probably also label creationists, Bible believers, church goers, Christians, police officers, republicans, do gooders, handicapped children, and many others as domestic terrorists as well. If the Lord doesn't intervene it looks like the stuff could finally hit the fan this month. I agree, Leaving Soon, we are living in perilous days ... but don’t fret. I’m still trusting the plan and Trump has not given up. We are in the end stages now and I firmly believe Trump will be showing his Trump card soon ... I got some interesting encouraging GAB talk to share. Since this is a long thread ... I will post “the plan” in version 6 ... so follow me over there. 😉