I’ll take that and add the springs of living water to make the medicine go down .... :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:
Revelation 7:17 “For the Lamb in the ... Geri, squirrel moment——
there was a song by Louis Armstrong in the late 1930’s or early 40’s called Won’t you come home Bill Bailey :mdrmdr: for you... Sounds like a creepy boat to be afloat on .... wonder why a ship and not a convention center, seems to make the more vulnerable. Very curious! B-) My son’s birthday is June 20 —- cool parallel for me, but I’ll take today too! :prayer-hands: MR, I have always been fascinated by the star alignments in relation to prophecy, but please forgive my ignorance, as I’m not that versed ... can you ... You spent a mint for that load! I’m looking forward to my slice of “angel food” soon! :yahoo: Love that, teriyaki anything is awesome and who would not want a steak, my fav is filet mignon, butterflied. Add some garlic potatoes as a side, some ... I got some buttered mushrooms :mdrmdr: Geri, not to berate this darkening issue but the benefits of mushrooms often goes unsung .... per Natural News
file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachm... I’ll take my one way ticket on flt 777 now please :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: so long corrupt earth, hello heavenly home :yahoo: Yes, maybe today! :prayer-hands: Right along with ya TR —- His amazing Grace and mercy and steadfast love! :prayer-hands: I long to see the great white throne with the emerald bow and Gods glory shining from it per Rev 4:3 “And he who sat there had the appearance of jaspe... Overhead page at the Kroger this afternoon, “if you have had your COVID vaccine, you are no longer required to wear a mask” is that calling for pressu... Ok so that looks disgusting! I use carob powder in chocolate cookies and other things but wow for dogs, I’m not sure I’m feeling right about my use of... Geri, don’t let the guys get to ya! Bread is easy to make, minus the bread maker. I’ve done it both ways, I actually prefer no bread maker. I found th... True prices are creeping up everywhere and on everything. My hubby is a bi-vocational pastor, meaning he has a second job, mostly because since COVID ... Father, King of all, you who see all and know all, these children of yours and many other scattered in various countries are suffering as you once suf... Ooooooo well, it can be worn by the tireless ones who fish through soooo many responses as related to the role of a mod toooooo, just saying! Be brave... Per Amir last night, Israel has not had very few rockets hit. God is protecting his wife, but they will face His dealing with them through the tribula... See her about middle of the picture above the darkened, partially burnt looking log that broke from the main tree.
When our kids where young, we used ... Yep Geri, and “vaccine” cures Covid-19 too! The con just grew bigger! B-)
My brother-in-law had polio as a child and he always wore a special shoe tha... Having studied a bit on Enoch and reading the book of Enoch (difficult to follow w/o a teaching guide), It speaks loudly of the fact that God never do... Oh my! I remember those movies, now it’s real life —- Hollywood tells us exactly what is happening thru the movies... Independence Day, Aliens, Star T... And as an added piece, Enoch also knew his date of departure, it was a walk in the park :mdrmdr:
It does feel very different with Israel—
It also fe... TR — totally agree with the garlic, love, love garlic and onions —- ooh with mushrooms a meal all in itself . Add the real coffee, ( agree Yohanan, NO... HI - first, as usual, your poem is heartfelt and speaks truth and volumes. Continue to appreciate your gift.
second - none of this gender identity pr... Yep and now Lebanon has started firing at Israel—- listen up! It’s happening :yahoo: what a great event — looking up, practice those rapture stretches... Popularity has its sacrifices, every diva understands this stress and tireless struggle to maintain their own greatness :mdrmdr:
Good job brother! We... TR how about this Port-a-ble (bello) Fun-gi === it’s typically a man fav :mdrmdr:
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm