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Confused about Conflicting Dates of Pentecost

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MR, I have always been fascinated by the star alignments in relation to prophecy, but please forgive my ignorance, as I’m not that versed ... can you explain why the sun must be in Gemini? Thank you!

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My son’s birthday is June 20 —- cool parallel for me, but I’ll take today too! :prayer-hands:

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Sounds like a creepy boat to be afloat on .... wonder why a ship and not a convention center, seems to make the more vulnerable. Very curious! B-)

Trust His Timing
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I'm still on high alert till midnight when the bridegroom traditionally comes for the groom. Midnight in Israel is 5:00 here on EST but He may choose midnight too in North America which would be into the early morning in Israel. How important is that we use Israel's time considering that a good portion of the bride are from other parts of the world?

Trust His Timing
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Still is the Day of Pentecost! I see so many reasons to look to Pentecost.....would be bummed out....again....if again we are many times has this been that we've been all primed and everything seems (to us) to be THE time and nothing happens.....that's when I have to remind myself to remember my forum name.....TRUST HIS TIMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After all ......HE is God! Not us....He knows the beginning from the end. So glad I don't have to TRUST MY puny judgement for all this.

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I am not ready to move past Pentecost yet.  One way of figuring it was on Sivan 15. That is next Friday on Torah Calendar.

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I’m always linking the rapture to this … I Thess 5:3 “While people are saying, "There is peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

Does the church need to hear this before departure? :unsure:   If not … then today could be the big day. :good:    Or if we still need to be here for the catching away to happen at the same time as “peace and safety” is declared …  then its in the very near future (2021) 😉  … just not sure “when” it will be used … will it be the pushing of the 2 state solution?  The alien disclosure and these demonic creatures come up with a cure for covid and the unsaved are lining up for the out of space “cure” that promises the fountain of youth and it ends up being the mark of the beast? :unsure:   Or does the world need to see a quick Biblical war before calling a truce and peace and safety?  So many scenarios out there …   :mail:

Maese Rete
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Each month in the Jewish calendar correlates with a constellation. The third month, Sivan, does with Gemini.

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There has been plenty of "peace and safety" headlines, but I think it makes sense that it could be tied to the 2 state solution because of dividing God's land.  So, is that the Abraham Accords being finalized?

Lee Giblin
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Hi, I've been actively watching for 45 years this Fall.  I raised my 7 kids, taking them out to the porch during thunderstorms to watch for Jesus. Smile
I think we have at least 3 calendars in play - maybe more.  The traditional church cal, the creation cal, and the off 1 month Jewish cal.  My watch dates were from 5/13-6/20.   My high watches are Ascension  and Pentecost so 5/13, 5/23, (5/31) 6/1, 6/10, and 6/20.   These dates could be off from what God has determined.   BUT we were told to watch for signs in the sky and we have some unique happenings that join together with past signs leading to 2021.

Anyway you look at it our world has turned it's back on God and the church has left the teachings of the Bible so we need to leave soon!

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