Humbly, I go back probably as far as you, if not further. We've seen alot, buddy. From Chris and his door knocks, to CJ, to Scott and Scarberry, and t... I was wondering because it looks like the cryptid bird known as a Thunderbird. And if they are trying to sneak one of those onto the scene.... What type of birds are those in the background, I wonder. It's on TikTok. :wacko: That was proof enough for me that it was fake. :yes: I don't know either. And of course, I'm not saying this dream was prophetic. But it sure was powerful. And during the dream and even looking back...th... Amen, Tammie! No Problem. Glad you liked it. I love Watchman River. I've been watching him almost everyday since last year. He DEFINITELY is a hidden gem in the Kingdom. (maybe not so hidden any ... Rapture high days? How about any day? Never understood the need for anything extra. Especially this late in the game. But, that's just me. I'm looking for Jesus, not the next "high watch day". No, but they are given 1260 days. So it has always been my understanding that they would appear at the beginning of the 70th week. When that is remain... Click bait. That's terrible. I agree,TenderReed. I guess that was my point. I don't know if 9/11 was staged. Yes, I've seen the evidence for that, and other things. There just see... I'm sorry, but "that is a possibility" doesn't cut it for me. Especially over the pulpit. And those are your words, not his. There were no planes...
I used to really look forward to J.D.'s prophecy report every week. However, I stopped watching earlier in the year because some of the things he was ... I love this song. But I can never get through it all the way without being in tears...Yep, it's one of those rare songs that wrecks me every time I li... This thought came to me. It's kind of out there, and may be influenced by my comic book background, but wouldn't it be interesting if they DO open up ... I couldn't find the article. I followed the link, but it looks like that particular article may have been removed. Not only will I take it with a grain of salt, I won't read it at all. :calvin There's a running joke. Every year for the last 25 years, someone somewh... Well, you just have to watch the entire video :yes: Just Kidding. That refers to a quote by Prince Charles which refers to an unknown person, who is p... "His disposal"... The one with Angeline Jolie in it is called The Eternals. That's a Marvel movie, based on the comic book characters, who ironically, make their presen... By who? This was in China. And no one is sure what it was. As far as the columns, I can see them possibly being towers. I was thinking apart of a long... Powerful, He was very intense. And with good reason.
Last seen: June 6, 2024 7:00 pm