End of October is about 3.5 years from Passover 2025. Tomorrow is Ave 3 on the Creator's Calendar...New Wine Festival. :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: Praying for Theresa :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands:
-Fair Use-
I was hesitant to post it since it is so long, but about 4 min to 37 min gets the idea across. In his latest video he is talking about the east and west coasts getting hit. I speculate that is when the 10 days of darkness will occur. I found this watchman's channel today. He thinks the rapture is by 9/23-9/24. He shows this date encoded into many movies and believes this is when ... Sorry for the restrictions, Arthur. I am sure we will all have the same soon. The 144,000 need to be protected still, so our exit must be soon. Mayb... Are they saying when to expect the 10 days of darkness? Are they saying when to expect to overthrow the fake evil NWO? 120 days from Dr. Awe's April 26, 2021 Passover date comes to August 24. Keep watching! The video says that Trump's prize would be the removal of Moloch from the earth. My hubby just explained to me that it means there would be no more ab... In the video above that Churchgal posted from CoachDaveLive at the 1 hour 9:30 min mark the guest refers to Moloch. What does he mean by that? Steve Monette has a new video about how this will help create the 200 million man army. Long debated if it would be Muslim or China. This guy can preach! I have seen this on YT, but never ventured to click. Thanks for posting. Brother Chad about action in Damascus
-Fair Use- I'd like to think many who step in to save the day are the good guys, then whoever is left after the rapture would be the ones deceived by these being... Is the real evil new world order already evil? Or do they become evil later? -Fair Use- So do you think the white hats are already working with the demons? Or do you think that is a separate thing that comes next? I saw this video and was... Freakie, this has to be the end:
-Fair Use- That was very brave, Patricia. Being in a group like that, they could have all ganged up on you. On the other hand, they all heard your message! I love it Lee! Thanks for sharing. Situations like that give people hope that there really is a God and gives them the desire to seek Him out. What i... It is very intimidating to share with friends and family for fear of rejection. But like Churchgal said on another thread, we are running out of time... Thanks. Geri's boldness is very catching. Please share your witnessing stories to encourage each other to spread the Gospel. Please add my neighbors L and J and family to the prayer list. I had a chat with L in the driveway today. She mentioned how hard it was for her husba... Bump! We are right in the middle of Dr. Awe's August watch dates. If these pass, I am still watching for the Creator's Calendar dates. I was noticin... Very sad update:
-Fair Use- Oh, just read the comments on the other thread about Steve Monette videos. Maybe he is right sometimes. I won't go looking for that video. Seems like there was a recent video by Steve Monette showing that he thinks Cush is Iraq. -Fair Use- Maybe Tammie and/or Churchgal will chime in again? Now that I made a comment, I feel responsible to say something else. I don't take all the supplem...
Last seen: February 5, 2025 8:44 am