Hello siblings, hope everyone is hanging in there. I would like your input on this: Someone my sister knows came to Canada as a refugee claimant. She asked my sister for my contact information, my sister asked me if it's OK to give her my info. I said it's Ok. I went out to dinner with her once. a month later, she called me from her sister's place where she had been staying for months telling me that her sister called the police and wants her out. She asked if she can come to my place for a day or 2. I felt so uncomfortable, but I had to say no. It really bothered me that I had to tell her no. I spoke to a few people. All of them backed me up that I did the right thing for many reasons. First, her own sister had to call the police to get her out of her place and also if you bring someone to your place, who knows when they will leave. A friend of a friend in the US told me recently that he might visit me sometime. I am not sure what status he has in the US, I think he is worried about that. I also wonder if he is checking if it is OK to come to me eventually if he can't stay in the US. A cousin I haven't heard from in many years has been asking how to get in touch with me. I have helped people who needed it in the past in many ways. I do like to help. However, these days, i am hardly managing myself. I am very tired after work and go to bed very early. I have some errands to run, I keep postponing them because I am tired. ..............and I don't feel that I am up to anything anymore. I just drag myself to work to get a paycheque and pay the bills. I can only do these days what I have no other choice but to do. so many people with problems these days, but I can't have people wondering if they can stay with me. I come home and shut down. how would you handle this? How would you very politely tell people that you can't have them come over, especially when some of them might be close relatives. thank you Dear all, Please say a prayer for my husband who is now in the ER. Prayers sent up. Dear all, Thanks so much for your prayers! I'm still praying. How is he doing? Thank you, Blue! He is still in the hospital. They gave him two units of blood which helped a lot! Then he had an endoscopy yesterday and a colonoscopy today and after that he had to swallow a pill-sized camera to see the very top of the small intestine. They will read out that data when a different doctor is available. He may be released tomorrow or Saturday, but they still don't know why he lost so much blood. His blood count was 4.9 and it should be 11 or 12--that's why the urgent care people kind of freaked out. Good thing we went there when we did. I fear had we waited another day or two, he might have died. Please pray that they would find the problem. I appreciate your prayers, and everyone's! Great news that he is doing better. Still praying they will find the cause, and for his salvation. I have a praise. My mother has been an atheist all her life and was into new age for a while. She doesn't seem to have much longer to live, but sometimes she has a more energetic day. She is in a nursing home and every Sunday afternoon I have visited her and taken her out for a drive. As we drove I talked to her about the Lord. She would tell me I was really different. At a recent visit I asked her if she wanted to pray and ask Jesus to be her Savior. I asked several times because she has dementia and has always said no in the past. This time she said OK repeatedly. I prayed and asked her if she agreed to say OK. She did. I am praying we will be raptured together soon. Wow, that's wonderful, Blue! I've been traveling for work so just seeing this. Prayers for your husband, Patricia. Blue, that is wonderful news! Praise the Lord!