2020 Presidential E...
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2020 Presidential Election

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I still have some hope left for a 2019 Rapture but it's starting to fade away very quickly !

For the past few days I've been wondering if we will be raptured out of here before or after the winner of the 2020 presidential election gets sworn in. If there even is an election.

Maybe I cant see or think clearly because I've been excited and disappointed so many times now but I'm starting to think we'll be stuck down here until at least 2021 !

What are everyone else's thoughts about this ?

Rapture in 2019, 2020, 2021, or beyond ??? What does your gut tell you ?

Right now I don't want to think past 2021 It's too depressing. Even waiting until 2020 is depressing and discouraging for me.

Thanks : )

Posted : July 4, 2019 1:43 pm
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Personally I still haven’t ruled out 2019 yet.  We still have a few more high watch dates up ahead and the tension in Syria is still sizzling that anything can happen at any time.

However, if we are ringing in the new year 2020 ... then unless someone has high watch dates for 2020 ... I think we “might” have to wait until Inauguration Day, January 20, 2021 (at noon on the dot) when the next president gets sworn into office, before departure.

In the meantime ,,, time and the days are just flying ... 1/2 the year is already over ...


Posted : July 4, 2019 2:31 pm
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My gut as you wondered, is still that 2019 is the year, regardless of the many years I've said, "This year for sure!"  Waiting until 2020 would be depressing and discouraging for me too.  This cycle has to stop!  I'm not saying "uncle" relative to 2019 this early in the year, even though it seems later and later each day.

Posted : July 4, 2019 4:21 pm
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And the year eds in a couple of weeks. Just watch, for no man knows the hour nor the day... No man.

Posted : December 8, 2019 5:06 am
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I may not know what time it is, but it's later than it's ever been.

If not by the end of this year, it seems to me that no later than 2020!

Let us redeem each day until the Rapture.  Let us seek His face, follow His leading and always glorify God!

See ya there, or in the air


Posted : December 8, 2019 5:58 am
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Just wondering ... how many think Trump will get a 2nd term?  If so, do you feel the rapture won’t happen until he completes his term? :feedback

Posted : December 8, 2019 11:33 am
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Geri I don't think there will be a 2020 election.  And if there is, Donald Trump will watch it with us from up there.  And I hope I'm right.

Ideally President Trump will fulfill less than 3/4 of his first term and maybe I'll even sing, "I'll be home for Christmas" and be correct this time.  I'm not holding my breath, but... Just sayin.'  It still hurts to really expect really near term, and they say self-preservation is the first law of nature.

Posted : December 8, 2019 2:45 pm
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I feel the same way with you, Dan.

The only reason I asked that question is because I saw on the RITA facebook side an article from Breaking News Israel about Trump following Genesis 12:3 “Asks God to bless Israel, Gets Blessed Right Back in Song” and in the comment section I see responses like “Trump 2020” “this is why I voted for him and will again yada yada yada” and I thought hmmm ... I wonder how many other watchers feel this way vs. we are out of here soon and will not be here for the next election.

Posted : December 8, 2019 3:13 pm
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The way things are looking now, If, if Trump wins a second election he won't go full term.   Truthfully I want out here as soon as possible.   Again, given all that we have to consider, I can't see us being here past 2020!  But what do I know?!

Truthfully I have half been expecting for some wacko to take him out.  If he is not impeached and we are still here, then assination attempts are most likely.  The peoples hatred of Lincoln and the deep state coupled with banking and finance eliminated JFK! Not an  unlikely scenario.

Rapture in 2020, second coming in 2027 works for me!



Posted : December 8, 2019 3:24 pm
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Seems to me like President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu have been used by the Lord as tools of His restraint over the past 3 years.  If through providential circumstance (write your own narrative as to how), both of these men were to somehow be removed by this time next year, then I see the floodgates of evil being opened up wide at that point.  I guess it becomes one of those "chicken or the egg" which came first dilemmas.  Does the removal of the Restrainer lead to Trump and Netanyahu then being removed, or does the removal of Trump and Netanyahu become the catalyst that causes the Restrainer to then be removed?  If Trump and Netanyahu were to end up being somehow removed, I sure hope that the Lord in His mercy gets us out of here.  Society is already deteriorating very rapidly all around us, but can you imagine how fast things will implode if ungodly reprobates were to be set in the primary leadership positions for both the US and Israel?  Beam me up, Abba!!! :flyup:

Posted : December 9, 2019 2:25 am
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Well I started this topic just over 15 months ago and here we are just 24 days away from the 2020 Presidential election and about 3 1/2 months away from inauguration day.

A lot has happened in the past 15 months to say the least lol

So back to my original question. Does anyone think we will be out of here before inauguration day 1/20/21 ?

And what about the election itself. I heard yesterday that according to some polls Trump is literally ahead in all 50 states lol

So now I'm wondering how messed up and ugly is the election itself going to be ? And then how bad is the immediate aftermath going to be if Trump wins ?







Posted : October 9, 2020 2:41 pm
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Posted : October 10, 2020 9:23 am
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If President Trump wins re-election by a landslide, all hell breaks loose.  If President Trump wins by an edge, all hell breaks loose.  If President Trump loses by a thin margin, all hell breaks loose.  If President Trump loses by a large margin, all hell breaks loose.

In other words we're (or preferably "they're" because we've just vanished), along with all law and order, all cooked -- so put a fork in it regardless.  Ninety percent of mankind has been planned by powerful globalists to die in the near to mid future, and probably including quite a few more than the ten percent who somehow think they'll survive.  Given such a big big goal -- 90% dead -- I'll bet any of them who hope for external trouble to help, such as the four apocalyptic horsemen, would salivate over judgments 2, 3, and 4.  Saves them a lot of work.

Pan-demon-ium.  --> "This is the devil calling all demons, calling all demons...  our time is short!  That is all!"

Posted : October 10, 2020 9:52 am
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Well this is great news you saw some polls showing Trump literally ahead in all 50 states!  Because pretty much all the articles yahoo posts these days are so bias in favor of Biden.  They even had something this morning claiming “The Villages” in Florida and how the seniors are all for Biden ... Trump is out of touch we reality with down playing the Covid virus with their signs rah rah rah for Biden/Harris.  Yet I know a lot of them in that community are for Trump but you wouldn’t know it by reading the article.  So I wonder if this constant “mind conditioning” of bias one-sided favoritism from the news sources (CNN/Yahoo, etc.) to give out false hope to the Democrats and twisting the real polls ... will this cause the democratic citizens to totally flip out because they thought they had it made with their liberal candidate as thee winner.   I also wonder if there will be a hanging chad moment once more (remember with Bush and Gore?) and we wont know who truly won with all the fraud/machines breaking down/dead people voting/and/or couldn’t read the the ballot card correctly, etc.   :unsure:

If Trump doesn’t win ... I wonder if we need to still be here for 1/20/21 for the changing of leadership ... and that is considered “at the last Trump?”  moment? :scratch:

Posted : October 10, 2020 11:02 am
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Praying faithfully for justice, righteousness, and mercy for the election and going forward if we actually spend a part (or God forbid all) of 2021 here.  All hell breaking loose, though, can be offset.  Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds.  Also, the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it.  Have mercy, Lord.  Your will be done on earth.

Posted : October 10, 2020 5:55 pm
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Good prayer ! All Hell definitely wants to break loose but so far God hasn't let that happen yet.

It'll be interesting to see if the vaccine roll out keeps getting delayed by God until we are out of here.  :popcorn


Posted : October 11, 2020 10:39 am
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Today ...

Thousands of people cheered and chanted “USA! USA!” Monday night as President Donald Trump held his first campaign rally outside Washington since his coronavirus diagnosis 11 days ago.
President Trump returned to my home state of Florida today with thousands of people turning out to cheer him on, when you compare that to any Joe Biden rally that never gets more than a few dozen people, it makes you wonder how accurate all these polls from the fake news media really are. I’m kidding. Those polls are as fake as a three dollar bill, Donald Trump is doing so well the media has to lie about it. Makes you wonder just how far they’ll go to stop him.

I love living in Florida, is an incredible place to be able to call home. The weather is incredible, the people are very friendly, and the food is fantastic. Here is Saint Johns County where we are, there is nearly a 99% recovery rate from the COVID virus. I love how Gov. DeSantis is leading the way with commonsense safety regulations that obviously are working very well. Florida is Trump Country, I see the support for him everywhere I go, it’s incredible really.

- Fair Use -

What a contrast to last Thursday in Phoenix ... there was a no show for Sleepy Joe/Jezebel campaign event ... :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:


Posted : October 12, 2020 4:54 pm
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Meh. Presidents are selected, not elected.

I agree with MWS that there will be chaos and rioting, no matter the outcome.

A Rapture just before, on, or shortly after the US Election would really create chaos.


Posted : October 15, 2020 9:43 pm