Good call Tammie! TR If I have any say in the matter, and I am pretty sure I do not, my preference would be to be out on my street corner with my Watchman35 rapture sign, warning people right until the final moment we are harpazoed. (Surprisingly, I actually figured out how to download an image...woo hoo!) Sure hope my face doesn't break from all the smiling I'm gonna do when I get to glory! Tee, hee hee. TR Another reason of hoping for a heads up, that we might all be found intently focused on Him at the time! A divine disclosure would help create a universal call to personal worship! The issue then becomes not a matter of "where", but of the "what"! TR Enjoyable thread! Watchman35; if your wish came true it would be so perfect for the non-believers to witness your rapture as it would most likely turn them into immediate believers. Tammie, we just bought our kayaks in September of 2018. Last year was our first full year and it's been great. Only calm lakes for us as well! Just love the thought of kayaking in the millennium... on crystal clear waters!!!! I guess there's about a 30% chance I'll be sleeping! Hopefully praying or reading His word. If not, then hopefully gardening. I want dirt under my fingernails going up. Lol. Whatever our state at that moment, our hearts shall continue to glorify Him! What no carpenters out there?! TR
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