~ ~"Who is our life is revealed ~ then we also will be revealed WITH Him in Glory" ~ Colossians 3: 4 sounds to me like we've already been raptured according to this Scripture; made ready to return with our Lord to earth ~ :yahoo: Truly, our time spent with Him, even now, is rapturous! To know His coming to take us with Him will be beyond our greatest hopes and dreams and desires. "Rapture" is hardly a suitable word. :heart: Oh Donna, what a great imagination you have! I'm jealous. You said, "sounds to me like we’ve already been raptured according to this Scripture; ..." I sure might have saved myself a lot of grief over and over if I'd just been able to convince myself that I had already been raptured. But I would certainly suffered from a frightening case of cognitive dissonance. "Why is everybody up here still being so mean to each other? And where is Jesus? And where is my dear departed mother?" Thanks for your multitude of inspiring posts, Donna, and for all the pretty little tilde's ~~~~ I've missed both you and them, but honestly didn't really imagine you'd gone ahead of us. Your brother in Christ, Dan Ah, but you are raptured, brother! Every time you are in the Presence of Jesus you are in rapture! The most amazing moments of my life have been while in His Presence, as He reveals Himself to me. Just a taste of the things to come. :heart:
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March 6, 2019 4:01 pm
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March 6, 2019 4:37 pm
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March 6, 2019 5:56 pm
March 7, 2019 8:16 am