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What is God's M.O.

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Given that we will not have to physically remove ourselves for the rapiemur, or harpazo, as Noah did and Lot did, I am curious why the Lord would give us advanced warning, other than if He wanted us to go out and tell all we could what was about to happen. Given that it is a snatching away, it seems to me it would be instantaneously.Your thoughts?

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I agree that the "snatching away" will be instantaneous, however, just like the Israelites at Mt. Sinai or on the East side of the Jordan river, God notified them many hours and up to 3 days before they were to "move out", why wouldn't He do the same for the Rapture.  After all, God is faithful and predictable in His actions towards those He loves and has called unto Himself.  :heart:

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Good point ... because it looks like Enoch was just walking along and suddenly got snatched out ... I think it was before Noah started working on the ark.

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Yohanan, the Lord is considerate of our loving and anxious hearts!  I also have to believe that Jesus is just as anxious as we are!  Wouldn't a bride get more than a last minute notice?!  And given the private nature of the Rapture, being only between the groom and the bride, before He sweeps us off our feet, He might just present us with a gift.  The gift of the knowledge that He has kept His promise!


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:good: Good point T.R.,

:yahoo:  its back on ... we get a heads up notice!

:mail: ok ... the million dollar question ... is it 3 day, 5 day, 7 day, 8 day notice?  Or something else?

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This would be a hard one to answer.  Speculations and guesses is all that could be offered.

My guess:   3 days!

But I'll take whatever the Lord decides.


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Our marriage to Christ follows the ancient Jewish tradition. In ancient times, when the groom arrived, the groom's ten male witnesses would announce his arrival with a shofar and calls from his own voice to the bride and her maidens. Both 1 Cor 15:52 and 1Th 4:16 give a similar description, but I think 1Th 4:16 is more descriptive: For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Its wording indicates that as He is descending from Heaven, He is giving the shout. In ancient times this was the only way the bride knew her husband to-be was arriving. If we are given any warning, I believe it will be by seeing the dead rise first, although it seems to me that, unlike  Mat 7:52-53, the dead would be raised in spirit only, and not with their decayed bodies. The reason I do not believe we will be given a last minute notice is because we are told to always be prepared for His return. Mat 24:42  Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.

I believe God gave the Israelites hours or up to three days notice to "move out" because they had to break camp and transport their material possessions with them, which took time to prepare. When we are snatched up, we won't be taking anything with us, so there would be no need to give us time to get ready. Besides, just the words "snatched up" strongly implies immediacy, otherwise the Lord would have used words like "gathered up". Also there is Mat 24:40  Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Again, this show immediacy. Following that is Mat 24:41  Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. Gone instantly.

And what would be the purpose of giving us advanced notice? When He comes for us the last person to be saved under the dispensation of Grace will have already occurred so it's not likely He would have us go witness to people. The time for witnessing will be over.

By the way, ancient Jewish weddings took place on a Wednesday, if the bride was a virgin, and Thursday if the bride was a widow. I suspect the Church is considered a virgin. Something to think about Smile
It's fun to muse about getting advanced warning but I can't find any Biblical reference to support it.


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:groan Sooo back to no heads up notices?

However, every Wednesday is considered a high watch date for a Jewish wedding.

Well ... Tuesday, April 9th is the Israeli elections .... wonder if the peace treaty announcement will be unveiled on Wednesday, April 10th and then the church leaves?  Or will it be the following Wednesday, April 17th?

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I like that! Perhaps the following day will be our day! :flyup:

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Sometimes I feel He's already giving us a heads up, or should I say look up for your redemption draweth nigh. I feel it will be angelic by the Holy Spirit in each and every heart of the children of our God, dreams, visions angelic encounters and yes maybe even animals, to say nature itself. But after the Holy Spirit seals us we can be sure we will be airborne. But as Tender Reed said he has and is turning the unbelieving over to a reprobate mind, so I'm afraid we will not have great luck convincing others after we are made aware. But do not ever give up, even the most deluded can be reached by truth and love.

I also wish to make it clear that I love all my brothers and sisters here, and everywhere and wish to be here in fellowship till that day and then for eternity . This I pray.

love in Christ

your brother Blake

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