Again, as someone has already reminded us, we are a Rapture and Blessed Hope website! This is our focus! Conspiratorial theories come and go as shifting sands, blown by the winds of change! May our focus be lazer fixed upon Jesus alone! Let our hearts not replace faith with fear! Being informed is a great thing, but not something we can place our hope upon! Let His spirit and Christ be our unmovable foundation and cornerstone! Our blessings and every good gift is from above, not below! TR We are to be watchmen. (Watch people?) Wars and rumours of war plus societal chaos are all signs the Lord is near. Get excited! The King is coming! :yahoo: The King is coming! :yahoo: He is coming for you and for me! :yahoo: Watching some of the conspiracy stuff is like watching for the Rapture. It's like wait and see, wait and see, wait and see, and then nothing happens. I like watching some of the conspiracy stuff because I've always thought and felt that we would be out of here before the stuff really hits the fan and right now it looks like the stuff is in the air and heading towards the fan in a straight line and not slowing down meaning our departure is super close ! I tend to think that our departure will be what causes the stuff to finally hit the fan. And weather the human powers that be realize it or not everything they are planning and preparing right now will be for and during the tribulation. 🙂 Tendereed I had these exact thoughts today. All these markers we are seeing are like Son dial telling us how close we are! God's timing is truly sovereign! The president has many (trump) cards in his hand! But it's still a rigged card game! TR If the Rapture were to occur on Jan 20th, there would be a 3 month gap before the beginning of Tribulation in May?! Countdown of the last seven years fulfilling an 80 yrs generation timeline! Hmm? TR