
I have come across a couple of folks who make the case, and a credible one imho, for Pentecost actually falling on next Sunday, June 16th. My pastor texted me the following last night. I know he got it from somewhere other than himself, but I cannot give proper credit because I don't know the actual source. With that disclaimer, I will claim fair use for education and discussion. LOL. (Wait: real time update. TW Tramm on Facebook is the original author. I thought I recognized the style and sure enough when I checked his site just now, the exact post that my pastor forwarded me was there. Mystery solved. In addition to offering some compelling reasoning for landing on 6/16 for Pentecost this year, the author also ties in some previously unrecognized (at least by me) significance to the fact that it falls on a full moon this year. And then I will throw in the fact that it's Father's Day, a day I am actually sort of dreading this year due to the painful and surprisingly poor quality of my relationship with my daughter despite my best efforts and what I thought was a really great childhood for her. How spectacular would it be to be spend Father's Day at Abba's house?! Maranatha!!! I will throw in a Steve Monnette Youtube video on the same theme at the end. Here is the copy and paste I received from my pastor: ***** An interesting question to ponder is, which phase will the moon be in when the Rapture occurs? Will it be a new moon as at the beginning of the biblical month? Will it be a full moon as at the middle of the month? Will it be somewhere in-between, i.e. the waxing or waning phase? Since "no one knows the day", it's impossible to say for sure (Matt. 24:23-44). "The goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; He will come home at the full moon" (Prov. 7:19, 20). The picture of the goodman of the house being away on a long journey reminds us of the New-Testament parables in which Jesus is the householder and the time of return or reckoning represents the end of the age (Matt. 20; 25: 14). It seems Theologian John Gill (1697-1771) was thinking along these same lines when he interpreted Proverbs 7:20 to be an allusion to the Lord coming to judge the world at the appointed time of the full moon. John Gill's Exposition of the Bible: Proverbs 7:20 "He hath taken a bag of money with him". for his journey, since it was not a few pieces of money he put in his pocket to defray expenses, but a bag of it he carried in his hand, it shows that he should be out a considerable time; [and] will come home at the day appointed; and not before". it is to be understood of the full moon, as Aquila and the Vulgate Latin version render it; when it is light all night, and so a proper time for travelling home again. Gersom takes it to mean the beginning of the year, when the holy blessed God, parabolically speaking, sits upon a throne to judge the world in righteousness: the Targum calls it the day of the congregation; some fixed festival day, when the congregation meets together; and at such a festival, or appointed time, this good man had fixed for his return, and when, and not before, he would. This she says to remove all fears from the young man of being surprised and caught by her husband. There is an appointed time for Christ's second coming, when he will certainly come, and not before; and which is supposed to be at a great distance of time: and therefore wicked men and seducers, and such as the apostate church of Rome make use of to encourage themselves in their wickedness, in hopes of impunity, put the evil day far away from them; but in the appointed time Christ will come, and call his servants to an account, good and bad." The notion of Jesus, the goodman, showing up when the moon is full makes sense in view of the biblical calendar which has the harvest festivals associated with the First and Second Coming???Passover and Tabernacles???occurring always on the full moon. In contrast, the harvest festival associated with the Church is Feast of weeks, or Pentecost. What is interesting is that due to the way Passover and the subsequent Sabbath fall out this year, Pentecost does happen to land on a full moon. Counting the seven weeks from the Sabbath following Passover as prescribed in Leviticus, the festival celebrating the wheat harvest corresponds to the full moon of June. Thus, in 2019, all three of the Bible's harvest festivals, Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles, coincide with a full moon, the lunar-phase by which the goodman is scheduled to return in Proverbs 7. Given that the moon is thought to symbolize the Church or congregation of God, it makes sense for the lunar disc to be fully lit, denoting fullness or completion, at the time of "harvest." Is this to suggest the Rapture must occur on a full moon or at a harvest festival? It is not. Regardless of how logical a scenario may seem, we understand that on this side of eternity we see the Lord's plans only in part, as through a "dark piece of glass," and that our thoughts are not His thoughts (1 Cor. 13:12; Isa. 55:8, 9). Besides, Jesus says to keep watch "at all times," not just at full moons or feast days (Luke 21:36). The above is simply to point out how biblical typologies make a full-moon rapture plausible, and how in 2019 every harvest festival occurs on a full moon. Considering different scenarios in light of facts and Scripture is a vital part of encouraging one another as we watch and wait for the Lord's return (Heb. 10:25; Matt. 24:45, 46). Just as one assembling a puzzle earnestly searches for corresponding pieces to complete the picture, those anticipating the harvest of the Church earnestly search the Scriptures, looking for correlations that may shed light on the timing. We do this with the understanding that only when the day comes will we know if the pieces we have paired truly match. This is to say, only God knows which phase the moon will be in when the trumpet sounds. So keep watch! . . . NOTES: 1. Proverbs 7:20: Translations Full John Gill commentary Other commentaries 2. The correct reckoning of Pentecost has long been a matter of debate. The reckoning method that best corresponds to Scripture in this researcher's opinion is that the seven-weeks should be counted from the day after the regular weekly Sabbath following Passover. The first (Saturday) Sabbath following Passover in 2019 is April 27. Counting seven weeks from this date we arrive at Sunday June 16. 3. The moon as a symbol of the Church: In Song of Solomon the Gentile/Shulammite maid, symbolic of the Church, is compared to the moon: "Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon .... Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee" (Song 6:10, 13). The spiritual parallel between the Church and the moon is that the full moon, as bright and beautiful as it is, has no brilliance of its own. It relies entirely upon the sun, which is a picture of Christ (Ps. 84:11; 19:4, 5), for its light. Without the sun, the moon has no light. Likewise, man has no light of his own. We were created in the image of God to reflect His brilliance and glory (Gen. 1:27). When we turn to face the majesty of God, when we surrender to Him and seek Him with all our hearts, we reflect His glory (Matt. 5:14). The Moon Bride: http://www.theopenscroll.com/when_cometh/moon_bride.htm * Watchman, great thoughts, praying it be so! :yahoo: :prayer-hands: Would be happy with June 16th! Maranatha! :flyup: Very interesting about next Sunday being Pentecost and a full moon. I had forgotten about this verse; thanks for the reminder: “The goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; He will come home at the full moon” (Prov. 7:19, 20). Another reason to keep looking up! The Lord knows, but we are just trying glean the info we have been given. Still looking for a divine disclosure and some rumblings deep within my spirit. In any event with each day that passes, we are one day closer. Even so Lord come quickly and receive your reward for Calgary, your Bride! And let the Bride receive her reward, her eternal groom! Blessed is he who waits.... TR If by late Friday night I am not moved in my spirit, we may be here till the Fall! God Forbid :negative: TR Hey, check out the convergence of things lining up for June 16th ... its also the anniversary of the Bethlehem Star. This put a smile on my face and hopefully yours too. : ) Stay alert ... perhaps this weekend is it! Mid June Convergence The approaching June 16 marks the convergence of six key prophetic elements. 1. Sunday Biblically, Sunday is “resurrection day” as Jesus rose from the dead early on a Sunday morning (Mark 16:9). Sunday is also the day on which the Apostle John was spiritually caught up to heaven at the sound of a “voice like a trumpet” (Rev. 1:10; 4:1). 2. Summer is Near Less than a week after spring’s final Sunday, June 21 marks the solstice and the beginning of summer. In Matthew’s parable of the fig tree, “summer” is a metaphor for the end of the age (Matt. 24:32). 3. Biblical Pentecost Counting seven-weeks from the day after the Sabbath following Passover as prescribed in Leviticus, this year’s Pentecost, or Feast of Weeks, lands on June 16. Pentecost celebrates the wheat harvest (Ex. 34:22). Prophetically, the wheat harvest represents the harvest of believers at the end of the age (Mark 4:26, 27, 29; Rev. 14:15; Matt. 13:39). 4. The Full Moon Biblically, the full moon is associated with the feasts of the Lord and the sounding of the ram’s horn, or trumpet (Ps. 81:3). The full moon is also the time when the goodman, or ruler, of the house is expected to return (Prov. 7:19, 20). 5. Jupiter/Full-Moon Conjunction God uses the stars and planets for “signs” to mark appointed times and to “reveal knowledge” (Gen. 1:11; Ps. 19: 1, 2). On June 16, the Full Moon and Jupiter will come into close conjunction in the Constellation Ophiuchus. Typologically, the Moon symbolizes the Church. The Planet Jupiter, a.k.a. the King Planet, symbolizes Messiah. The Constellation Ophiuchus pictures the Serpent Holder, or Restrainer. At the time of the conjunction, Jupiter will be nearer the Earth than at any other time of year. The closest phase of conjunction will occur during the evening of the 16th in Jerusalem, the time when the biblical day ends and the next one begins (Gen. 1:5). 6. Anniversary of the Bethlehem Star June 17 marks the Gregorian anniversary of the Venus-Jupiter conjunction, or “Bethlehem Star,” which signaled the birth of Messiah in 2 BC. Summary To summarize, we have the following occurring at once: • A Jupiter-Moon conjunction; during the full Moon, while Jupiter is at its nearest. • The final Sunday before summer. • The Pentecost harvest festival. • The Gregorian anniversary of the Bethlehem Star. The prophetic themes embodied in this convergence are— • Resurrection. • A catching up to heaven. • Summer is near. • The harvest. • Fullness. • An appointed time. • The trumpet blast. • The return of the goodman. • A meeting of the Church and Messiah in the heavens. • A birth proclaimed by a sign. Additionally, the above is taking place during the harvest season following Israel’s 70th year since 1948 and on the heels of the 49th year since Jerusalem began to be rebuilt in spring 1969 (Jer. 29:10; Dan. 9:25) Having highlighted this remarkable convergence, we understand that a coming together of prophetic signs and timelines doesn’t necessarily mean the event alluded to, in this case the Rapture, is going to occur at this time. Oftentimes a convergence is simply a convergence, a sign or marker pointing forward. Besides, Jesus says he is coming at an hour we think not (Matt. 24:44). Such a rare and profound convergence is, however, intended to get our attention. Therefore, look up! The heavens are declaring to everyone who has ears to hear: “The King is on His way!” -Fair Use- What a joy you are Sis! Thanks for sharing. I was also ruminating on many of these same factors myself. Especially the part about summer being near! As far as I'm concerned it's a date. A date with Jesus and you! See ya Sunday! TR I was just about to post TW Tramm's latest, but Geri7 beat me to it. :good: Sounds good! By the way ... is there a special meeting place ... seems like everyone I know wants to meet by the Tree of Life ... just thought that area could get mighty crowded. B-) Just wondering where the RITA group are going to meet - at the rose garden? Or do we just need to pick a rose from the garden and then find everyone holding a rose? :rose:)
Searching the Scriptures for possible clues, however, we find an intriguing passage in the Book of Proverbs:
It does not correspond to any particular phase of the moon. This is because the timing of Pentecost relies on the counting of seven weeks from the weekly Sabbath following Passover (Lev. 23:15, 16). Since the date of the Sabbath following Passover varies from year to year, so does the date of Pentecost.
By T.W. Tramm Great stuff! Maranatha!!! Heading to the street corner with my rapture warning sign for a few hours.