~ ~~ " the plan will require concessions from both sides but won’t jeopardize the security of Israel,” Reuters quoted the source as saying. “We will all have to look for reasonable compromises that will make peace achievable,” Kushner said. Trump administration peace envoy Jason Greenblatt confirmed the report as “accurate.” I just wonder the significance of the unveiling of this continually being pushed back. Is God working it to fit better into his plan? It was supposed to be unveiled right after he was elected. Here we are today and still no plan. All in God's timing! I am hoping Trump shall roll out his peace plan sometime in May. When his plan heavily favors Israel, it shall provoke a middle east war against Israel. God cuts off three shepherds in one month. This shall take us to late June. Then bang, boom, God calls His church home. But between now and May anything can happen, It may push Trump to unveil his peace plan earlier than they anticipate. We shall see. Yep, that would be wonderful! Hoping we are still gone this weekend - Passover or Resurrection Day! But if it delays until May 15th that would be ok as well. If the roll-out isn’t until after Ramadan from May 4th and ends on June 5th ... then we have high watch Pentecost, June 9th. Another twist ... according to the Jerusalem Post yesterday ... Palestinians turn to Russia to bypass US peace plan ... perhaps the Trump Administration wants to see what Putin comes up with and compare notes ... perhaps this is why they are delaying the roll-out? :unsure: Thankfully, the Rapture is not reliant upon this or any other peace plan. Kushner's peace plan could fall completely apart and it will have no bearing on the timing of our Lord's return. The Rapture may be the very catalyst that triggers the need for a viable peace deal. Well said Yohanan! I view much of the prophetic as simply mileage markers along our path towards Heaven. TR
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