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The next prophetic event to rock this world~ 'sudden massive disappearance'

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I like that, the sooner the better! So Geri, no hot food on Saturday either!

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So do we fly away at midnight? :unsure:

I keep thinking of the Midnight cry song. :whistle:


Thanks for the heads up ….

Note to self :mail:  order a large pizza Friday night and bake a double batch of chocolate brownies to munch on all day Saturday … :mdrmdr:


P.S.  earlier today …. Israel has struck Syria, vicinity of Damascus airport. Two IRGC troops killed. Iran vows revenge on Israel, as does Syria.

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I am a bit confused!

As per like Jonah, He was in the grave (dead) for three days and nights!  Signifying a full 36 hrs.

Supposedly He died at the last sacrifice approximately at 3 pm!

Yet hours after being raised he was still at the grave site waiting to be found by Mary M, while yet not having ascended to His Father???

The midnight cry was to announce his second coming!  Yet the word given is “Behold, the bridegroom cometh”!  While time transpires for some to go to vendors to increase their supply!


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Could be Jesus wanted to increase the faith of His followers by not ascending to His Father, preferring to linger at the gravesite to assure His followers   . .  , no doubt, they had to question why they had followed Him, and whether He was truly the Messiah.  . .    It was Mary who I think never faltered in her devotion of understanding Who He was and is, remembering His teachings that He would rise from the dead . .  ~~

I think Jesus knew His dear followers still needed to work through their despair of losing Him ~ ~ so like Jesus to 'tend' to His sheep as a Great priority before descending to His Father, our Father . . what a most Loving, caring, God we adore ~ ~

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Surely, he could have ascended to the Father and then returned in time to be found?!

Again, if crucified at 3pm he could certainly have died near sunset!  Adding 36hrs to that still gives some 12hrs hanging around the grave site?!

Whereas raising early Sun morning still accommodates Mary's early arrival!

Again, the midnight cry is ascribed only to the Jews therefore denoting the second coming!  Why is He then referred to as the "Bridegroom"???

Is this then a veiled reference to the Rapture as many messianic Jews also look forward towards?!


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~  the relationship between Christ and the Church is as we have learned through the N.T. a Covenant  reality of a nuptial imagery.

Our Lord wanted us to believe as True as His Word,  how glorious it is to our God, making, by the power of the Pure Lamb of God,   His spotless Bride …

Oh, how priceless His Covenanted Love!   The Heavenly Bridegoom making a Heavenly Bride, and the Spirit reminding us we are members of the Body of Christ . .

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Didn't Christ also promise the thief on the cross that he would be with Jesus in paradise that very day?!


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I think 'Paradise' Jesus was referring to was the 'holding place' where the O.T. saints were waiting for their Messiah to come ~ ~~~~  then at Christ's full resurrection,  that holding place was  'lifted' up and made as the 'outskirts' (Paradise) of Heaven. ~ ~   as part of Christ's Prepared Place, near the Heavenly Wall,  it was 'gated' just outside the Heavenly Jerrusalem City  ~~

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Christ's promise remained for that thief!  To be absent from the body, present with the Lord!

Though Christ's body was in the grave for three days, He was not!  After he returned to the grave He was resurrected, and then he presented himself to the Father in a glorified body!


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~ ~ ~   how appropriate is this 'headline':   "...

Fox News was saying re: "Saving Ukraine:  "Looking for a world leader to stand up"  ~ ~ ~  Published March 7, 2022 7:28pm EST.

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