isn't it true, T.R. that in this life for believers, there is much stumbling on earth while learning the value of being held in God's Keeping ~~ ~ ~preparing us for Himself and His Heaven, . . we rejoice in the ways of His teachings, reminding us He IS the Author and Finisher . . ever dear to Him, is the value of His children's worship unto Jesus, ~ ~ yet we know He never needs adoration, so above are the 3 in One entwined as Perfect Peace and Love Infinitely ~ ~ . .~~ , what a blessing to be held in Christ's embrace as we rejoice over His deserved exaltation~ ~ ~ ` Amen to that! Your loving brother in Christ Jesus! TR Humbly and Tammie You’re both Total-ly hilarious! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Yes indeed ... looking forward to our Lucky Charm eternal Life in heaven! While safely hidden away in our Honeycomb hideout for 7 years... with Apple Jack iPhone praise music. :whistle: Meanwhile Count Chocula, Franken Berry and Boo Berry try to deceive the entire world with their Magic Puffs Tricks :negative: Nail on the head! It's all about His embrace, all on so many levels! No man nor woman has ever experienced any embrace that compares to kissing Christ, as directed by the Psalms! For we are instructed to kiss the Son, lest we perish! TR
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