After reading an article earlier today regarding how a COVID-19 contact tracing app is being loaded onto everyone's phone, I checked my own Android. Sure enough, there is a COVID-19 app there. SMH. They say it has been added to the iPhone as well (I have a cheap $100 Android cell phone). It's creepy. Feels like there is a satanic Boa Constrictor that has slithered around the entirety of the planet and is now preparing to choke the life out of its prey. However, the Bride will escape before the full strangulation force of the Boa is unleashed at the first seal. Maranatha!!! Thanks for the heads up Watchman. I would never of known this was illegally and quietly installed into my Android phone. Apparently (cough, cough, wink, wink) it will only track your movements WHEN you install the relevant Covid1984 app for country. Having done a quick search to see how I can delete it, the relevant help page has a growing list of people from around the world asking how to delete it, infringement of privacy and general disapproval of this "enforced" installation of this app. As annoyed as I am about this, I think this is another marker to suggest we may be going Home this year! :flyup: Indeed, the Snake! Hopefully the Lord will supply more information as to when we are leaving! The world continues to accelerate their plans and schemes. Truly, must be this year! Excited but weary! Sure glad I didn't have to earn my salvation. I wouldn't have made it! TR George Orwell would be so proud! And Orsen Wells! TR Disgusting. Hopefully it can be deleted but it probably is extremely difficult to remove all traces of it. Pardon the pun. The world is about to have extreme pressure put on it. "I can't breath" has nothing on what is to come. Indeed, such as the world has not seen before! The scope and reach of the beast will be beyond compare! While the Lord has taken an opposite approach. With the the Lord, it is whosoever will. With the AC, it is you will accept me! One invites, the other demands! TR
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June 16, 2020 9:17 am
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June 16, 2020 11:36 am
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June 16, 2020 12:23 pm
June 16, 2020 12:40 pm
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June 17, 2020 4:04 am