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Somethings different...

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Very encouraging thoughts all around!!

Joan- will keep you in our prayers about your knees and possible surgery :prayer-hands:

gratefulforgrace- Amen and Amen!! He has done so much for us and has overcome the world, He is worthy to be praised for this alone!!

and Arthur I am totally stealing that...when anyone asks me my denomination I am going to answer exactly that...I am a "grace-ist" .... love it! :yahoo:

and we continue on....comfort one another even all the more as ye see that day approaching! :flyup:

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Truly we see the day approaching!  Hopefully we will know when it is upon us!

Both Trump and Bibi were "standards" or restrainers, but apparently they have each served their purpose under God!

Even if there is an insurrection against an unlawful administration, I believe that God has turned a prophetic page!

Truly the saints are anxious to go home!  And we have become a burdensome stone to the rest of the world!  Again, the light that shines in you through Christ is an indictment against those who love darkness!


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Gfg, surely we must remember all that the Lord hath done for each of us personally! And give thanks in our remembrance!

Again, the world has not changed, but Heavenly strategy and decrees I believe have!

For all that the Lord hath done for me, I will eternally give thanks!


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Indeed a spiritual page of sorts has been turned!  What that is specifically or what it means for the church I cannot begin to articulate!

Again, in tandom with this declaration is the knowledge that those faithful to Christ are an open indictment against those who are not!

This is a highly important spiritual law which has been in place from the beginning!  Giving believers personal validation, and explaining why we are still here at this late date!

Also helping to solidify that our focus must remain upon Him!  Both on sites such as ours as well as in our personal lives!  This is our witness!

Again, apprehending this knowledge, at this time, speaks of our soon departure as well, IMHO!

We should be different and not trying to blend in or make the message of Christ more palatable or entertaining!  The house of the Lord is not to be entertaining but directing us to Christ and His word!

Herein is one of the lies organized religion would present!  In short, it does'nt pass the smell test!

Again, short of the Spirit steering our focus and setting priorities, we are being made aware that God alone can judge!  God alone can save, those willing! And that God alone is to whom we should be found pleasing!

God saying, love Me, love my Son and His ways!


Maese Rete
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                                                                                Ruth 3:1-5

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As Churchgal points out:  ~ ~

"We can see the world taking it’s expected shape as foretold in the Bible so long ago, and probably the only thing that surprises me is the breakneck speed at which it is happening!"

oh, for sure, our God is revealing at ominous speed this  year of His coming being seriously verrrrrrrrrrrry near ~~`  as our Lord would want us to know ~~  :yes:

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