Sigh... Another Per...
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Sigh... Another Perfectly Hopeful Moed Bites the Dust

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Firstfruits for this year, Resurrection Sunday, is now pretty much in the rear view mirror.  Color me a light shade of blue.  It's Monday the 13th at next sunup.  Counting the Omer once again...

I'm not at all ungrateful, but I still must possess a mis-adjusted set of expectations.  Resurrection Sunday is such a natural!

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Well,  Jesus could come at midnight.  😉

Here's hoping.  Smile

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I hear ya ... we set too high the expectations for today.  Especially since the world was in total isolation ... it just seemed like the perfect scenario all around.  Oh well ...

Got my eyes focused on the unfulfilled feast next on the list ... Feast of Trumpets.


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Jesus comes for the church at an unexpected time, like a thief in the night. I doubt if the rapture falls on any of the feast days because we always have high expectation during those time.

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I agree with 2nd coming!  Now again our next question is Spring, Summer or Fall?!  TR

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Well we still have Pentecost and even Ascension day to look forward to in the coming weeks. And let's hope it's no later than Pentecost because I really don't want to starve or dehydrate to death, or get killed by someone looking for food or toilet paper !

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A “thief in the night” is in reference to the lost who are not expecting the rapture of the church to occur because sudden destruction follows for them.  It also applies to Christians who weren’t watching ... it will be a total surprise but no worries ... they will still be raptured out.  But for those who are watching for the Blessed Hope ... it won’t be a surprise and a crown is promised for loving and longing for Christ to appear.

I wish the rapture was in the spring whether its Ascension Day, Pentecost, etc. but as of yesterday ... I’m starting to lean towards its the fall time after reading a few articles and what J.D. said about its looking more like Feast of Trumpets could be the timeframe because its the next feast on the list to be fulfilled.  The feast days are just as important to the Messianic Jews and it is for the Church since Jesus fulfilled His death, burial and resurrection on the spring feasts.


Per Carl Worline research ...

The First Trumpet is Pentecost.

The Great Trumpet is Yom Kippur.

The Last Trumpet is the Feast of Trumpets.


Biblical References to the Timing of the Rapture

The timing of the rapture has been a mystery that has intrigued Christians for almost two millennia.  Some Christians have such a strong aversion to any attempt to set a date that they see any such attempt as almost being akin to heresy.  Other Christians feel compelled to not only watch but to diligently search the scriptures for any clues which the Lord may have given us.

This latter group often cite the words of John given to us in the Book of Revelation:

If therefore you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief, and you shall not know what hour I will come on you. Rev 3:3.

I make no apologies for being in this latter group.  John seems to clearly say that if we watch we can not only know the year and the day but even the very hour.

I would submit that Paul told us very clearly in 1 Corinthians as to what time of year to expect the rapture to occur:

Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1 Cor 15: 51-52.

Paul says very clearly and directly that the resurrection of the dead, also known as the Rapture of the Church, will occur at the Last Trump (Trumpet). 

In the Bible, there are references to the First Trumpet, the Great Trumpet, and the Last Trumpet.  The First Trumpet is Pentecost.  The Great Trumpet is Yom Kippur.  And, the Last Trumpet is the Feast of Trumpets.

The Feast of Trumpets is one of the seven Jewish feast days, also known as moeds, or more properly moedim (plural).  These are specific times in which the Bible us that God has an appointment with mankind.  The Feast of Trumpets is the fifth of these seven appointments.

Why are Jewish feast days significant to Christians?  Technically, the Jews do not even believe that Jesus as the Messiah.  The answer is that God declared the Jews to be His chosen people for all eternity.  Jesus was a Jew.  Jesus also told us that He came to the world for the Jews first and then for the Gentiles.  Therefore, Jewish customs and beliefs are very important as we search for clues on rapture timing.  After all, Jesus patterned the rapture after the customs and traditions of a Jewish wedding.

Paul told us more about when to expect the rapture to take place in his letter to the Thessalonians:

15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words. 1 Thess. 4:15-18

Paul very clearly tells us that when Jesus comes for His Church in the rapture, we will hear the trumpet call of God.  One of the most significant aspects of the Feast of Trumpets is the blowing of trumpets.  This day is known to the Jews as the Day of the Blowing of Trumpets.  It is also the only feast (moed) where the blowing of trumpets is a central theme.

Paul also very clearly tells us that on the day when Jesus comes for His Church there will be a “loud command” (shout) with the voice of the archangel.  The Feast of Trumpets is also known in Judiasm as Yom Teruah (The Day of Shouting and/or The Day of the Great Shout).

The Feast of Trumpets is known in Judiasm as The Day of the Resurrection of the Righteous Dead.  Isn’t the Day of the Resurrection of the Righteous Dead also the day of the rapture of the church?

There are other scriptural references that are less specific but certainly seem to be speaking about the rapture of the Church.  For example, Isaiah tells us:

Come, my people, enter your chambers, And shut your doors behind you; Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, Until the indignation is past. Is 26:20.

The Feast of Trumpets is the only Jewish feast where the moon is hidden.  The moon is an allusion and represents the Bride of Christ.  Is it just a coincidence that the Feast of Trumpets is also known to the Jews as The Day of Hiding or The Day of Concealment?  I think not.

The seven Jewish Moedim are occurring in a specific historical sequence.  The Feast of Trumpets is the fifth moed in the list and it is the next moed that is due to occur.

The Feast of Trumpets is unique because there is no explicit reason given in the Torah for its observance, other than to “rest” and to sacrifice.  It is the only moed that does not have a specific historical event (past or future) tied to it, yet it certainly has a lot of names in the Jewish community.

Based upon my research and the research of others I have compiled the following list of Jewish names for the Feast of Trumpets.

·      Yom Teruah (The Day of Shouting).

·      The Feast Where Nobody Knows the Day or the Hour.

·      The Day of the Great Shout.

·      The Day of Awe.

·      The Day of the Blowing of Trumpets, or The Day of Trumpets.

·      The Hidden Day, The Day of Concealment, or The Day of Hiding (as in hiding the bride from the tribulation).

·      The Time of Jacob’s Trouble.

·      The Day of the Awakening Blast.

·      The Day of Judgment.

·      The Day of the Opening of Books.

·      The Day of Remembrance.

·      The Jewish New Year.

·      The Day of the New Moon

·      The Day of the Opening of Gates (As in the gates of heaven.).

·      Ha Kiddushin/Nesuin (The Wedding of the Messiah).

·      Ha Melech (Coronation, or Crowning, of the Messiah).

·      The Birthday of the Messiah.


Let’s keep in mind that Judaism does not acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah.  Not yet anyway.  Therefore, I find any possible hint of a reference to the rapture of the church to be suspiciously significant.

Some people look for the Rapture to occur on The Feast of Trumpets because Jesus said 4 times that “no man knows the day or the hours” of His return during His Olivet Discourse.These 4 locations are:

·      Matthew 24:36

·      Matthew 24:42-44

·      Matthew 24:50

·      Matthew 25:13-15


In Jewish wedding tradition, it is customary to respond to the question of when the wedding will occur with “I do not know the day or the hour, only my father knows.”  This is because the bride’s father sets the date of the wedding when he is satisfied that all things are ready.  When the wedding day approaches the father gives the all-clear and the groom comes with a shout and a trumpet and takes his bride away for 7 days of rejoicing.

In America, if you mention “turkey day” people will immediately know that you are talking about the holiday of Thanksgiving (which coincidentally just happens to be a major feat day in America).  If you mention “The day of which no man knows the day or hour” to a Jew, he will immediately know that you are talking about the Feast of Trumpets.  That is because the timing of the Feast of Trumpets is predicated on the first sighting of the new moon.  For this reason, the Feast of Trumpets occurs over a two-day period.  Nobody knows the day or hour it will begin until 2 reliable witness reports seeing it to the chief priests.  The beginning of all other moedim is predicated on observing a full moon rather than a new moon

This year (2020) the Feast of Trumpets begins at sundown in Jerusalem on Friday, September 18th at 6:42 PM (local time) and ends at sundown in Jerusalem on Sunday, September 20th  at 6:39 PM (local time).

Coincidentally, September 20, 2020, is also the day when the moon returns to the feet of Virgo for the 40th time since the Revelation 12 Sign.  This period of time is 40 sidereal months.

Numbers in the Bible are very important.  Forty is the number for testing.  For example, Jesus fasted for 40 days before starting His ministry.  Moses and Elijah also fasted for 40 days in the desert.  The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years before entering the Promised Land.  The Bible tells us the Ezekiel laid on his right side for 40 days to bear the iniquity of Judah’s sins.  Three of Israel’s most famous kings each ruled for 40 years – Solomon, David, and Saul.  Goliath taunted the armies of Israel for 40 days before being killed by young David.  God killed every living thing by raining on the earth for 40 days and 40 nights during the Great Flood.  When God proclaimed judgment against Egypt, He said that Egypt would be desolate for 40 years.  God gave Nineveh 40 days to repent or be destroyed.  Israel was in captivity to the Philistines for 40 years.  The spies that Moses sent to check on the Promised Land were there for 40 days.  Speaking about Moses, he was on Mount Sinai for 40 days the first time he went up to get the ten commandments from God and again for 40 days the second time he went up the mountain.  There are many other examples.  In fact, the number 40 appears 159 times in the Bible.  Perhaps God is trying to tell us something.

Perhaps the Revelation 12 Sign, which occurred on the Feast of Trumpets in 2017, was a marker on God’s timeline telling us we had 40 sidereal months in which to repent before the church would be snatched away and taken through the open gates of heaven.  Perhaps the Revelation 12 Sign was God’s warning to mankind that we were only 40 sidereal months away from the time of Jacob’s Trouble (also known as the Great Tribulation).

And perhaps we are now in that period of time known as the Beginning of Sorrows which immediately precedes the rapture.

Carl Worline

- Fair Use -


(Reminder ... super moon occurs September 17th ...  before Feast of Trumpets September 18th ...)


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Gary Stearman's favorite day for the rapture is Pentecost.

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My favourite day is Pentecost (Shavuot), as well.  Here's hoping.  Smile

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Psst ... the ducks will probably be all lined-up by fall time ... “Feast of Trumpets”   😉

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