The acronym "DEFCON X" means "defense condition X." I think there should be a "DECEPCON X.Y" scale. We are at surely at least at deception condition 0.2 at the moment. Information scrambles better than eggs. (I hope no one is deceived by this unprovable assertion.) Who knows? Could be... How about "DEFCON R" meaning "Rapture!" ? PS - check out the title of this thread... It's the 6th, and it's almost two hours in now Jerusalem time. The Rapture of the Church on 9/11 is also significant because it is believed that Jesus was born on the same day and month in 3 AD. The Hebrew date was Tishri 1 which is the Day of Trumpets. Here is a link that talks about it. https://ifapray.org/blog/september-11-the-true-date-of-jesus-birth It turns out that a sign in the heavens appeared in 3 AD that was similar to the Rev 12 sign only there was a different alignment of planets. Our Father God might want His only begotten Son to be born on the same calendar date as His glorified Church. It wouldn't be the first time He used the contemporary calendar to fulfill His purposes. Remember the Roman calendar caused the Feast of First Fruits to be shortened to 3 days instead of one week. Also 9/11/21 is 3 days after Feast of Trumpets. The year should be 3 BC not AD, sorry for the confusion. Oh man, I made another mistake. Feast of unleavened bread is the 7 day feast that was shortened to 3 days not Feast of First Fruits. This is what happens when a 70 year old man tries to go by memory. What day is it anyway? Heh heh. Don't worry about it. Soon we won't have to worry about what day it is. :yahoo: Yes, I believe Jesus was born on 9/11 3 BC. It's why the enemy has tried to mar that day so much. Perhaps it will be our born again day, too. :good: I’ll take any day, preferably sooner! Academics aside, are we really gonna see the Rapture?! Time to start doing the happy happy joy joy dance! With all blubbering I’ll be doing, my chocolate is gonna get wet! TR Time to start a new thread? Let’s call it, “We’ve been Raptured”! How do you like Jesus now??? TR Patricia, Yohanan is correct —- I checked with my son too and here is the DEFCON level website. We are at DEFCON 4 - DOUBLE TAKE - Increased intelligence watch and strengthened security measures - Above normal readiness Dear Tammie, Yohanan, and all, Sorry, clearly you are correct. I don't know why that post was on Five Doves. Was Tony Els deliberately trying to deceive? Or probably, like me, was he just passing on wrong information?
Anyway, my apologies!