Happy Birthday, Kolleen! Happy Birthday Kolleen! We know what your wish is. :whistle: May this be your grandest birthday ever! P.S. my fur baby also shares this special day :yes: … so I’m preparing him a steak lunch. May we all celebrate a Heavenly Birthday with YOU. Happy Birthday! Happy Bithday! Sweets for the sweet! Always have dessert first in case of Rapture! TR Happy Birthday Kolleen! :good: Happy Birthday, Kolleen! Kolleen, Happy Birthday and not that you are old enough to remember but from Alfalfa and the gang …. Happy Birthday Kolleen!!! No calories!!! Happy day of birth Kolleen! :rose: ASK me if I was surprised!!! Truly, yes I was to see these joy filled wishes!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Thank you all!! :rose: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: You're ALL the best and I'm blessed to be among you while we watch and wait! Love you guys!