Well I hope he's right this time. Well, I hope he's correct but I've heard this too many times before to set it on my calendar. Compelling teaching! For some reason the Lord hast put the 17th on my heart. If that ends up being Ark Day, I'll take it! TR Well I heard that is the real reason they created those BIG erasers and bottles of Wite-out. I seriously used to use both all the time after each high watch date came and went. :mail: But now I don’t care if people do see my calendar of the hopeful days that didn’t materialized. B-) Talking about erasers .... I saw a child eat a Star Wars eraser... she claim it was a little Chewie. 😉 :groan Yep that wite-out on my iPad really makes it hard to read around the little dots :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Chewie :mdrmdr: :stinkerbell: Abbott and Castello moment :mdrmdr: I can get dragged all around the calendar year following the watch dates. Next it will be all about Hanukkah....unless, of course, we don't make it that far! Still have my socks on! TR Well, the 17th of Chesvan is my mother's birthday. That'd be a nice birthday present for my born again mother. Indeed, Happy Birthday to mom! Christmas in Nov! Gotta love it! Again, all we can do is hope! But at least there is light at the end of the tunnel! TR I’m still barefoot but have GREAT expectations of leaving soon even if we don’t all have those socks on. :popcorn The global reset is just around the corner and its not going to bring back the environment we once all knew. Even fun puzzles of trying to find Waldo are no longer a challenge anymore ...
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