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Rendering Unto Caesar As An Act of Faith

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As everybody knows, it's tax season.  Typically, any year that we are going to get a refund, I file in early February.  Conversely, when we owe additional tax, I wait until April 15th (or maybe a day or two ahead of the deadline).  This year, I knew we were going to owe additional tax, and sure enough we did.

In the normal course of things, I would not submit my return for another almost four weeks.  However, this year, with the high watch season we find ourselves in prophetically, I felt a prompting from the Lord to go ahead and mail in my check early. (Yeah, I'm that guy in the TV commercial who brings the line to a screeching halt by pulling out his checkbook, although I don't do it nearly as often as I used to).   If you knew me, you would feel quite confident that such a thought to mail the check in early must have come from the Lord and not me...LOL.  The thought I had went something like this.  If we should end up going home before April 15th, I don't want to owe anybody anything, including Uncle Sam.  I know technically we don't owe it until 4/15, but still there was something inside of me that was prompting me to pay it now.  Just a small thing, really, but it is my spiritual man speaking to my natural man telling him to shut up because, yes, I am serious about this harpazo.  Arguably a variation on the theme of rapture schizophrenia.

One of the many benefits of the millennial Kingdom will be a righteous government under a righteous, benevolent King.  I will have no problem supporting His government in whatever manner He deems appropriate.  Maranatha Lord Yeshua!!!


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I’ve been paying my electric bill 5 months in advance because the radon machine is located in my condo basement and it does the work for both my next door neighbor’s unit and mine.  That way the electric company won’t suddenly turn off my electric, when I disappear.


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Watchman, it's truly encouraging that the Lord may have suggested you pay what you owe well before April 15.  Tic tock tic tock...

I was reading your last paragraph though and my eye grabbed the words "millennial Kingdom."  The phrase shot up into my mind, which kicked out something dreadful!  Imagine a whole kingdom of millennials!!  Gasp!

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Yes, His Millennial Kingdom will likely have an oxymoronic flavor in that the millennial kingdom will, I suspect, have few, if any, entitlements--at least in the sense of how we typically define entitlements in this world we live in today.  Yep.  No entitlements for the millennials.  Lol
