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(@Anonymous 394)
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Geri, I’m glad you gave a summary of it. I can’t bear to watch the evil jerk. Pompous, evil jerk. 

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(@Anonymous 394)
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I usually don’t like name calling, but I’ll make an exception for Charles. 

Are there any world leaders that aren’t in Satan’s camp?!  I can’t think of any at the moment. 

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(@Anonymous 394)
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Wednesday the 27th is a full moon. Maybe that’s liftoff day. 

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New Year's Eve has been my thought - guess - all along......If it doesn't happen, that last Gentile is still out there............

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Beautiful message. I hope he and his family get saved. 

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Thanks for posting that, Blue. I wasn't able to see it live earlier. 

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I know some people think King Charles is evil. He is definitely with the globalist. however, when I look at him, I don't see evil. If anything, sometimes I see brokenness. From many documentaries I have seen, it must have been hard as a kid to have a mother who only shakes hands with him when she  has been away for an extended period of time. 


He couldn't marry the woman he loved. He married Diana and for years, people lining up the streets were screaming and shouting for her and nobody caring for him. 


If I had been going around with another person and crowds would sheer like crazy for the other person and hardly anyone paid attention to me, I would be really be hurt and confused. 

Aides said that they were surprised how much he cried when Diana died. There was a photo of him around that time walking alone in a garden with bloodshot eyes and he looked lonely. 


Many times, he holds the hands of his boys in a fatherly way. I have seen how he was holding Harry's hand when they were looking at flowers outside the palace. he kept Harry close to him and held him by the hand. 

at other occasions, i have seen him look downcast, lonely and a bit depressed. I don't think that he is making this up. 

I have seen loneliness and brokenness more than evil. I hope God saves him. 



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I believe this is one of those things we must leave in God's hands because He looks upon the heart of all men, and only the Lord knows Charles heart.

If you listen to Craig Bong, he has done amazing studies on the topic of the Antichrist and what history facts and signs are coming together as far as AC possibilities - where the many signs are leading to.

I believe as the watching and waiting Body of Christ, that the Lord may allow us to see the potential of who it may be, the longer we are still here, seeing so many things come together in these days.

No matter what we see that might make us sad for one of these top AC possibilities, I think it is just one area where we have to absolutely and totally give it all to God, because only He knows

We have to trust that if a potential AC had a sad or sorrowful upbringing, that God knows more than we could ever know by far about the man's heart choices that would eventually lead him in to that prophetic AC position.

How many countless mothers, after their son's have committed horrid murders, have said their son's are good boys and would never do that. Proving again that only God knows the heart of man.

We must be careful I think with whoever the AC is - to trust God in it completely.

We can be sad that people and even the AC, rejects Jesus and Truth to the point that they will lose their souls - even God wishes all men would be saved, but they won't all be saved due to their own continuous and unrelenting disbelief. 

Again, that we can feel sad about, that as they continue rejecting Christ to the end of their days, they will be eternally lost.

But lets be cautious, not letting our feelings or what ours eyes can see, influence the discernment and trust God wants us to have in Him alone, no matter what comes and no matter who they are that are working against Christ to the end. Bible Rose

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Good post Kolleen

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Thanks for keeping us updated.  I don't have facebook.

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