Indeed, the closest possible date works for me! Like today! All we can do is set our hearts on Him and our eyes towards the heavenlies! Live by dates, die by dates! Imminency satisfies my yearnings to be with Him and still let's Him be in charge! TR I'm with ya, TR. Today is a perfect day for our homecoming! I enjoyed the video. I agree that the idea that the second coming has to occur on Palm Sunday is a bit of a stretch. Also he uses this antediluvian calendar. I am not sure about that one and will have to look more into that. Still, he seems to figure on a Spring 2022 Rapture. Entirely plausible. Please don't throw rotten tomatoes. :negative: *Puts down rotten tomatoes "and* avocados* 😉 Actually, I agree with you. It could be that Jesus is saying that the generation that sees the start of the Tribulation will see it come to an end. In other words, it will happen fairly quickly and will not drag on for a lengthy period of time. While I do hope that the fig tree generation prophecy model is true (since we'd be with our Blessed Saviour in less than a half a year), it might be an unwarranted assumption. Hope lives! TR He does! I still say we have until at least May for the Fig Tree Generation to still hold true (then I'll count on the 1948 calculation Let it be so Lord! Don’t make me go postal! TR Part 2: -Fair Use- :mail: 🙁 Just a possibility here -- Jesus declaration in Matthew 24:34 could cover only the time of Jacob's trouble, i.e., from the Rapture until all the events are fulfilled. Those seven years, notwithstanding the elusive length of a "generation," would indeed qualify, and Jesus statement would still hold true. :yes: :good:
). A spring rapture sounds mighty nice to me! :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: