This video is discussing parallels in old testament happenings and with the rapture/trib. The pros are that his conclusions are pretty interesting and it is a well made video...the cons are that he sets hard dates for the trib and rapture- so be aware. I don't agree with setting hard dates but did find his parallels worth a look. Indeed hard dates and times are hard to swallow at this point! Again, theories abound in great measure! All we can truly fix our hearts upon is that God’s will be done! That said, we wait! TR Thanks for the share. I enjoyed the video and agree with you about the date setting. I am not a date setter at all and tend to mistrust those who do. But like all of you, I have been up on a high watch then brought low down when it doesn't happen. So i am not excited about day counts.........but...... If not this year then what? All of the models and paradigms that we have heretofore used would be shown to be incorrect such as Psalm 90:10 being a generation.........and Jesus saying that the fig tree generation would not pass away. I am not saying it must happen this year nor am i saying that it won't. God is Sovereign. But if it doesn't, I am not sure what to do then. Too many biblical elements line up that scream NOW........ I just feel that this is not another dead end and disappointing year. So we wait, and wait, and wait..........LOL! Thanks for posting Churchgal. I didn't finish all of it but your right - it's a well made video. Sometimes my head starts spinning when these videos start spouting this month this day and this month this day... I may have missed it but is the only reason he is setting Palm Sunday as the 2nd Coming is 'what has happened will happen again'? That seems to be a weak reason to speculate that day. I tried editing my previous post but I kept getting the spinning wheel Whit - I've been thinking that myself - if we go past the 80 year mark, where do we go from here. My thought is to look at the last possible time that a person from that generation could be alive and know it would have to be before then. So if we have people that are living to be 110 years old, that would give us a possible 37 more years (minus 7 for trib). Certainly don't want to think about being here that much longer but there are no other rules to apply for a generation. Maybe - 'our days will be 120 years' (???) I just don't see our world continuing that long though. :prayer-hands: Thoughts? The term used in the Bible as "generation" has several possible meanings including the 80 year span. Here is what Dr. Elmer Towns has to say about it: The Meaning of “Generation” Generation (genea, Greek) refers to Israel as a nation and guarantees her perpetuity until the end of times; Thus, the generation that shall not pass is the generation in whose lifetime all these signs occur and it is that generation that will not pass away until all these things be fulfilled. While some have attempted to relate ‘generation’ (genea) to the race of the Jews, indicating the survival of their race until Christ’s return, this seems somewhat stretched. Arndt and Gingrich prefer “ag” or “period of time.” In other words, the previously listed signs will continue to multiply throughout the Church Age and reach their ultimate climax at the end of the age in the generation of those who will live to see the entire matter fulfilled in their lifetime. However no time indication of length is clearly given so that all may anticipate the imminent return of the Master. FAIR USE FOR EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION Dark days and anxious times! No matter how long we are here, Jesus is Lord! Having considered much, I remain ever hopeful for 2022! I can only instruct my heart to glory in His love and the glory of His capture of us! TR I didn't watch the video yet, so forgive me if he mentioned this. For those that insist on the 80 year meaning of generation, I have seen speculation that Israel was not admitted to the UN until May 11, 1949....So some are going by that date which gives another year of waiting. Don't consider this as having much weight in light of the rate of ever increasing darkness! But I could be wrong! TR I love the watch dates. I am still all in for the Hanukkah watch through Jan 19.
If we are still here after Israel turns 81 ..........I am not sure how we could align so many passages that all seem to line up perfectly. so Ill just add another post
The term “generation” usually means a period of 20 to 100 years. With reference to a specific usage of the word “generation,” I direct your attention to the Bible passage: Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled (Matthew 24:34). In the interpretation of the usage of the word “generation,” Dr. W. A. Criswell in the Criswell Study Bible gives the following three possible interpretations on page 1147:
Generation may mean “age” or “time period” and therefore be a reference to the dispensation of grace;
Finally, genea may carry its usual meaning of 30 years. If the latter is the case, then Jesus was stating [in His prophecy] that one generation would not have passed until all these signs begin to be fulfilled.
The Liberty Bible Commentary in reference to the Matthew 24:34 passage gives the following comments on page 83:
Discernment and patience are available to everyone!