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Patricia N.
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Bridgeport Democrat Mayor Wins Race After His Associate Is Caught Stuffing the Local Ballot Drop Boxes with Bags of Ballots:

Mayor Joe Ganim won another victory on Tuesday in the Bridgeport, Connecticut special election for the Democratic primary for mayor. Ganim quickly claimed victory after winning the in-person tally by 274 votes.

In November a local judge overturned the initial primary election after Wanda Geter-Pataky, the Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Town Clerk and a vocal supporter of incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim,  was caught on video stuffing the ballot drop boxes with dozens if not hundreds of absentee ballots.

So Mayor Ganim won again on Tuesday against John Gomes in the Democrat primary.

Superior Court Judge William Clark ordered a new election to be held, citing bombshell video evidence of election fraud as the basis for his decision. The ruling has far-reaching implications, not just for Bridgeport but for the entire country, as it sets a precedent for ongoing and future cases involving mail-in ballot fraud.

“Video surveillance proving that the mayoral election was unequivocally stolen through corruption within City Hall by tampering with absentee ballots,” John Gomes said on his Facebook page.

“This is an undeniable act of voter suppression and a huge civil rights violation. It’s time to restore lasting credibility to our city’s democracy. Once and for ALL. Enough is enough!” he added.

This is not an isolated incident of Democrat voter fraud. New Jersey’s Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin has added new charges to an ongoing election fraud case involving Democrat Alex Mendez, the Paterson City Council President, and several alleged co-conspirators. According to the Attorney General, the defendants are accused of attempting to rig the election, tampering with ballots, and obstructing the course of justice through witness tampering.
Patricia N.
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Related to Todd's post:

Red State Alliance Grows: More Governors Stand with Texas in Standoff Against Biden Regime Over Escalating Border Crisis:

In a significant escalation of tensions over the U.S.-Mexico border policies, several Republican governors are uniting in support of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s challenge against the Biden regime.

This move comes in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision allowing the removal of razor wire installed by Texas at the border.

Governor Abbott, in a fiery statement, lambasted Joe Biden for failing to enforce immigration laws and thereby violating his oath of office. He then declared an “invasion” under Article I, § 10, Clause 3, asserting Texas’s right to self-defense.

The Texas response has drawn backing from several other Republican-led states, fueling a growing standoff between state and federal authorities. Governors from red states have publicly declared their support for Texas’s right to self-defense against the lawless Biden regime.

This unified stand among Red State governors represents a significant challenge to the Biden regime that could signal a prolonged legal and political battle over state versus federal authority in immigration enforcement.

In total, 14 states—Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Idaho, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming—have stepped up to support Texas’ efforts and deployed personnel and resources to secure the border in President Biden’s absence.”


Patricia N.
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California Democrat Introduces Bill Requiring ‘Intelligent Speed Limiters’ in Cars:

Proposed legislation in California may make it the first state to require vehicles to have a device that can limit a driver’s speed.

State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) introduced a bill requiring that some new cars have an “intelligent speed limiter,” the Hill reported Thursday.

Senate Bill 961 requires changes to vehicles directly, including a first-in-the-nation requirement that all new vehicles sold in California install speed governors, smart devices that automatically limit the vehicle’s speed to 10 miles above the legal limit.

During a recent press conference, Wiener told reporters the technology already exists and is being used in different forms in other countries and areas of the United States, per NBC Bay Area.

The outlet noted companies such as Volvo and General Motors offer an option for teenage drivers that allows their parents to limit their speed.

There is no reason for anyone to be going over 100 miles per hour on a public road, yet in 2020, California Highway Patrol issued over 3,000 tickets for just that offense. Preventing reckless speeding is a commonsense approach to prevent these utterly needless and heartbreaking crashes.

ABC 7 noted that emergency vehicles would be exempt if the bill becomes law.


Patricia N.
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The Union, that is the "United States" is Rupturing - Texas is now Empowered to "Levy War":

The Union, which is the "united States" has begun to physically rupture under the criminal, traitorous, and illegitimate Biden Presidency.  Texas has declared it is being "Invaded" and other state Governors are now entering into Compacts with Texas to repel that invasion.   As of today, 25 January 2024, the map below shows the states which are rupturing and coming to the aid of Texas.

In his written declaration, made yesterday, the Governor of Texas pointed out that he has previously invoked the "invasion" clause of the Constitution for the United States, (Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3)  because over six million illegal aliens have flooded across the border since Joe Biden seized power in the stolen November, 2020, election. 

That number of people, the Governor pointed out, is more than the actual population of thirty-three (33) U.S. States!  Texas, quite literally, __is__ being "invaded."  Texas, he points out, has the right to defend itself under that clause and now, other states have begun coming to the aid of Texas.

In fact, Texas now has the right to "levy war."  Maybe they should.  Maybe they should send troops into Mexico to put a stop to these cartels and migrant caravans?  Or would it be more effective to send those troops to Washington, DC, and cleanse the nation of the political filth infesting that Capital city, which is directly responsible for what is happening at the southern Border?

We are actually witnessing, with our own eyes, the coming break-up of the United States because of our illegitimate, traitorous, President and his wretched, filth-ridden, ignorant, corrupt political party, the Democrats. Stolen elections have consequences.


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President Trump Slams Biden in Statement on US Troops Killed in Drone Attack by Iran Proxy in Jordan:

President Trump released a statement Sunday afternoon regarding the drone attack by an Iranian proxy group on U.S. troops in Jordan that killed three soldiers and wounded several dozen more.

Trump expressed his “profound sympathies” to the families of the fallen and prayers for the wounded.

Trump went on to slam Joe Biden for reversing his policies on Iran, actions that have provided the state sponsor of terror with billions of dollars used to fund terror proxies in the Middle East, putting the U.S. “on the brink of World War 3.”

Trump closed by saying, “Our Country cannot survive with Joe Biden as Commander in Chief.”


Patricia N.
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Ilhan Omar Speech on Representing Somalia in Congress Goes Viral With Calls to Expel Her From the House:

Somalian refugee Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) gave a speech to the Somali community in Minnesota on Saturday that has gone viral thanks to English translation subtitles. The translations have Omar saying she and her fellow Somalis are Somali first and Muslim second–with no mention of being American. Omar also said she represents Somalia in Congress and told the audience that they control the U.S. government’s Somalia policy.

Outraged Americans called for Omar’s expulsion from the House of Representatives.

From a YouTube transcript: "A lot of people call me asking: Ilhan You should talk to the US gov. What will the US gov do? My answer was the US gov will do what we tell it to do."

Attorney Marina Medvin, “Ilhan Omar, an American congresswoman, tells Somalians that she is Somalian first, Muslim second, and… [no, American wasn’t even mentioned]. Oh, and she says that her primary job in Congress is to protect Somali interests.”


Perhaps Today
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This is what our country has been reduced to.

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Paul R
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@perhapstoday Yes. You have to wonder how people like these make it to Congress in the first place.

Patricia N.
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Inside the Democrats' “Deep State” Plan to Oust Joe and Insert Michelle Obama (Video):

There is a lot of talk about Michelle Obama being the Democrat nominee for the Presidency. Joe Biden has shown no signs of leaving. So how do the Democrats make this happen? The reality is, they already prepared for it. Party rules make it easy to insert whoever they want as the nominee come convention time in August. This podcast explains the rules that few people know exist. Those rules allow party elites to pick their choice over the people's choice. There is only one problem, they have to get Joe Biden out of the way. They have a plan for that too!

Does Michelle Obama want the job? The answer is yes. We uncovered the audio from Michelle herself, that proves she will be the next shadow president for her husband. We can not allow Barrack Obama to call the shots for another 4 years.


Patricia N.
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Emmer calls on Ilhan Omar to resign for ‘appalling, Somalia-first’ speech:

In a video widely circulated on social media, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., is quoted as allegedly saying, “The U.S. government will only do what Somalians in the U.S. tell them to do! They will do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders and that is how we will safeguard the interest of Somalia.”

Regarding the video, Rep. Tom Emmer, the majority whip of the U.S. House of Representatives, issued a statement to Alpha News saying: “Ilhan Omar’s appalling, Somalia-first comments are a slap in the face to the Minnesotans she was elected to serve and a direct violation of her oath of office. She should resign in disgrace.”


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@patrician She should but she won't and no one will do a thing about it.....just like al the other issues that congress should be handling. As long as they get their paychecks they won't do anything to stop the issues bleeding America to death. You would have thought this congress would have some plan in place regarding the border crisis but nothing! They let it bleed. They are worthless.

Perhaps Today
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@patrician She is not going to resign, she has no diginity.

Paul R
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Posts: 357

@perhapstoday Don't be so hard on her -- she's doing a great job for Somalia...

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

BREAKING: The latest Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll released today shows Trump is leading Biden in all seven swing states.
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