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Carry on!

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Patricia N.
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Alex Marlow’s ‘Breaking Biden’: Joe Biden Covered for Brother Frank After He Was Involved in Fatal Hit-and-Run Car Crash:

. . . . there was one incident I came across during research for the book where Joe had the opportunity to show empathy for a family that suffered the same fate as he did all those decades ago, but instead he decided to cover for one his corrupt brothers.

I document several instances in the book of where Frank Biden used his connection to his famous and powerful money to make ill-gotten cash, but the most shocking Frank Biden story involved a hit-and-run car crash.

In July of 1999, Frank Biden let a young friend named Jason Turton drive his Jaguar to a concert at a tavern in Cardiff, California. Frank’s Florida driving license had been suspended, so he rode shotgun during the trip, controlling the stick shift himself while giving Turton instructions.

At one point, they had the Jaguar humming along at over 70 mph in a 35-mph zone when they slammed into a pedestrian crossing the street. They drove off, leaving the victim to die at the scene. Two witnesses who were in the back seat during the crash claim that Frank Biden told Turton to “keep driving” after the fatal collision. The victim, Michael Albano, was a single father whose death left behind two young daughters.

Turton eventually pleaded guilty to “felony hit and run” charges, while Frank was hit with a wrongful-death lawsuit in August 2000 by the guardians of the Albano daughters. Frank never showed up to the court-house for any hearings, and he refused to reply to “any legal correspondence from the court, including a court final judgment in September 2002 that Frank owed each of the girls $275,000 for his role in the tragedy,” Peter Schweizer reported in his book Profiles in Corruption.

The Albano girls eventually hired a private investigator to track down where Frank was hiding so he could accept service of documents. Investigators said they had received information that Frank occasionally lived at his brother Joe’s house in Delaware, but they were unable to locate a bank account for Frank, who had become evasive.

Eight years later, in 2008, attorneys for the Albano sisters reached out to the soon-to-be vice president, Joe Biden, in the hopes that he could help them collect the money Frank owed them. Even though Joe Biden’s own wife and daughter were killed in an automobile accident, he seemed to show no sympathy for the Albanos and did not respond to them.  . . . what is truly shocking is that Joe Biden would aid in this particular cover-up after having endured the life-altering tragedy that he endured.


Patricia N.
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Republicans Slam Hillary Clinton’s Wish for ‘Formal Deprogramming’ of Trump Supporters:

“There needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members,” Hillary Clinton told CNN Thursday. “So many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists, take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure.”

Hillary Clinton, who denied losing the 2016 election, also said Trump will likely be the 2024 Republican nominee, which will necessitate defeating “those who are the election deniers, as we did in 2020.”

Hillary Clinton’s comments immediately exploded on X. Conservatives compared her comment of “deprogramming” Trump supporters to her 2016 “basket of deplorables” comment. Like the “deprogramming” quip, the “deplorables” comment also quickly ignited outrage from Republicans.


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Starts @ 3:26

Turkey and Russia coalition forming right before our eyes, happened this week

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Patricia N.
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And Turkey is a NATO member!  This complicates things.


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CBS’s Catherine Herridge Blows Up Jack Smith’s Latest Leak Claiming Trump Discussed “Potentially Sensitive” Nuclear Subs with Foreign National:

In a leak to ABC News last week Jack Smith’s prosecutors claimed Trump allegedly discussed “potentially sensitive” information about nuclear submarines with Australian billionaire Anthony Pratt during a meeting at Mar-a-Lago in April 2021.

Trump never showed any government documents to Pratt. In fact, according to Pratt, everything Trump told him about the nuclear submarines was already in news reports because of Joe Biden’s negotiations with Australia over a deal for them to purchase nuclear subs from the US.

Catherine Herridge blew up Jack Smith’s leak.

“Sources tell CBS News there is no indication former President Trump shared sensitive records with an Australian billionaire + no charges have been filed by the Special Counsel although their alleged discussion about US Nuclear subs was investigated,” Catherine Herridge said.


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So it looks like we will be invaded with MORE foreigners ….

Per Leo Hohmann: "Up to 1 million Gaza refugees looking for new homes and U.S. is first to raise its hand"

A watcher posted

Just finished an article by Leo Hohman about how Congress is already talking about bringing a million refugees in from Gaza. This country is so over. If I would have had the means I would have left here years ago. I know that you're not going to be able to get away from this garbage it's just so sad to watch my country crash and burn like this even though we deserve it


Another person said

Palestinians belong in Jordan where they came from

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Patricia N.
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Comes Out in Favor of Reparations:

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. departed from his usual moderate posturing by coming out in favor of reparations.

Kennedy favoring reparations may be a politically strategic move to pull support from President Joe Biden, who has remained silent on the issue.

Kennedy said that he supports using federal tax dollars to “rebuild black infrastructure” like banks and businesses. He also supports “direct redress payments or tax credits” as opposed to blanket cash giveaways.



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Is the Switch Near? Governor Gavin Newsom Has Surprise Meeting With China President Xi Jinping:

Governor of California Gavin Newsom had a surprise meeting with China President Xi Jinping on Wednesday.  After the meeting concluded Newsom told a group of reporters that his discussion about fentanyl with Xi were “remarkably positive.”  The governor is on a weeklong tour of China where he will push for climate cooperation.

Days before his trip to China, Newsom stopped in Israel to meet up with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and visit a hospital in Tel Aviv.

Newsom’s multiple diplomatic foreign meetings is a clear sign the Democratic Governor is eyeing a future presidential run run either in 2024 or 2028.



Patricia N.
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Speaker Mike Johnson Tells Hannity: 'Go Pick Up a Bible' and 'Read It':

Newly elected Speaker Mike Johnson isn’t a tough man to figure out. Nor is he scary, except to those who don’t have the best interest of the United States at heart. Johnson lives by the teachings of the Bible, pure and simple.

He also wants the best for this nation. This makes him an enemy of the Democratic Party and the establishment media, who ultimately want the opposite and have been working hard to meet that goal.

Johnson’s sudden promotion is a sign of failure to the left. It signifies their inability to oust God from society and shows them to be the liars that they are. The threat he poses is matched by the vicious words the Democratic National Committee used to welcome Johnson onto the scene, calling him an anti-abortion, MAGA extremist at the start.

Neither are foundational principles. The word of God is sacred to Johnson. He lives and breathes it with complete and utter sincerity. And that didn’t just begin yesterday. He’s done so for his entire life. Name one Democrat in politics that you could say the same about. Most only mention God as a means to deceive, in my opinion, and that’s even tough for them to do.

Curiosity about him at an all-time high, Johnson shared the yardstick by which all issues could be measured. “I am a Bible-believing Christian. … Go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it – that’s my worldview. That’s what I believe, and so I make no apologies for it.”

Charlie Kirk described this perfectly in a comment made on social media. “Mike Johnson believes what nearly every Founding Father believed. This is not radical, fringe, or scary. This is what built the entire world you live in. His worldview is the basis of our entire civilization, which is exactly why the media is trying to discredit and destroy it.”

True to form, the following statement made by Johnson years ago was shared in Mediaite Thursday: “Your race, creed, and sex are what you are, while homosexuality and cross-dressing are things you do,” he wrote in a 2005 op-ed. “This is a free country, but we don’t give special protections for every person’s bizarre choices.”

Now, with an evangelical Christian sitting third in line to the presidency, Democrats are panicking, enlisting the establishment media to get to work.


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