As most of you are aware, Canadian truckers formed a freedom convoy and drove to the capital city of Ottawa to get our corrupt government to rescind the unlawful mandates. American truckers are in solidarity and have said they will start their own freedom convoy when the Canadian one has concluded in victory. Now, while I want the unlawful mandates lifted, most of all I am praying that the truckers, their families and all protestors would be kept safe and that there would be no violence. I received this urgent prayer E-mail tonight. If you could, please pray. :prayer-hands: PS -22 Celcius = -8 Fahrenheit. URGENT Truckers outside of Ottawa are having significant logistics problems with 100's of trucks filled with families presently stranded on Sir John MacDonald Highway outside of the city. The police have blockaded them and not allowed them to proceed any nearer. MASSIVE EMERGENCY PROBLEMS: there are no gas stations, no stores, no restaurants, no toilets, no food, no water. The drivers are running out of fuel. It's -22 degrees and they need to run their trucks or they will freeze with their families inside tonight. AND apparently they have suddenly lost access to Zello, the trucker app they have all been using. They are unable to contact the facilitators to let them know about their plight. They are phoning family back home to leave comments on the Facebook pages to hopefully get their situatiion to the leaders for help! Lastly, the drivers are being warned to watch for troublemakers tonight showing up on that lonely road when they're all alone and not to open their truck doors to anyone. These people are in trouble and need our prayers. AND if anyone has legitmate contact information with anyone involved in leadership of the Convoy, please let them know that things are dire for these Western drivers and their families. I was reading this earlier tonight: Sneak Government Attack In View: :prayer-hands: Thank you Kolleen. Yes, the Liberal party are experts at demonizing anyone who opposes them. They do it every election. :negative: Most of the truckers are ordinary blue collar workers. Many of them are Christians. I know a few. May the Lord protect them, guide them and bless them. :prayer-hands: Praying for these poor truckers and their families. Lord Jesus please keep them safe today. :prayer-hands: Please keep us updated on this Thank you, Susan. I appreciate your prayers. :thankyou I will post any updates if I receive further e-mails. Breaking through the barriers: In prayer, along with all you dear ones ~ ~ Thank you, Donna. I appreciate the prayers. Father, you know the freedom these workers are trying to gain back and the genuineness of their hearts, honor them, protect them and their families, and uphold them with your righteous right hand. See that no evil comes against them, keep them warm with your mighty hand and thank you for honoring their attempts to fight back evil, may you be honored in all of this and we ask this to bring glory to the Father through Christ Jesus, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for this victory :prayer-hands: Thank you for prayer, Tammie. That's wonderful. I also hope, it spreads around the world as a template on how to end the plandemic.
Canadian Government Ready to Sabotage Successful Freedom Convoy 2022
While I yearn for freedom, most of all I want the truckers and families to be kept safe and for their conduct to be above reproach.