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Patricia N.
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These are Glenn Beck’s initial thoughts following his interview with Tucker Carlson:

Yesterday, Glenn Beck had the opportunity to conduct the first interview with Tucker Carlson following the commentator’s return from Russia to interview Vladimir Putin.

Today, Glenn sits down with Pat Gray to share his thoughts on his time with Tucker.

“I think it went really well,” says Glenn. Prior to the interview, “I really didn't know where [Tucker] stood on Russia,” and “as I pushed him on it, he really flipped.”  “He's so tired of having to be clear on absolutely everything when he thinks some things are just understood.”

In essence, Tucker told Glenn: “I'm an American, I don't care about any other country other than America ... If this is what this crappy, communist country can do, what the h [is America] doing?” and explained that Russia was actually far nicer than it’s being portrayed in the media and that our biggest concern should be the rapid devolution of the United States.

Another topic of conversation was Tucker’s inexplicable ability to relate to the common man despite growing up in the political sphere of Washington, D.C.

“I said, ‘You grew up in Washington, D.C. Your dad ... was part of the machine,”’ Glenn recounts. “‘How is it you escaped all this elitism — because you are kind of elite — and yet you relate to the people?”’

“‘I don’t,’ [Tucker] said. ‘I am the elite ... but because I grew up around them, I know them, and I know them by name ... I despise them.”’  “He said, ‘I love America, and I hate the people who are running it,”’ Glenn explains.

Even though people have essentially called Tucker “Vladimir Putin’s b*” following his controversial interview, “he's not,” says Pat. “He’s just pointing out that we've let our country go to ruin. . ."

“[Tucker] said, ‘I’m not saying we should be Russian. We should be p***** off that the Russians have this,”’ referring to how nice and in-tact Russia actually is, ‘“while we have tent cities”’ in America.

“He’s absolutely right,” says Glenn.

To hear more of Glenn’s thoughts on his interview with Tucker, watch the clip below. [at the link, 14+ minutes, some bad language]   

Patricia N.
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Google’s Ultra-Woke Gemini AI Runs Amok Revising History:

Google’s latest AI chatbot Gemini is facing backlash for generating politically correct but historically inaccurate images in response to user prompts. As users probe how woke the Masters of the Universe have gone with their new tool, Google has been forced to apologize for “offering inaccuracies in some historical image generation depictions.”

The New York Post reports that Google’s highly-touted AI chatbot Gemini has come under fire this week for producing ultra-woke and factually incorrect images when asked to generate pictures. Prompts provided to the chatbot yielded bizarre results like a female pope, black Vikings, and gender-swapped versions of famous paintings and photographs.

When asked by the Post to create an image of a pope, Gemini generated photos of a Southeast Asian woman and a black man dressed in papal vestments, despite the fact that all 266 popes in history have been white men.

A request for depictions of the Founding Fathers signing the Constitution in 1789 resulted in images of racial minorities partaking in the historic event. According to Gemini, the edited photos were meant to “provide a more accurate and inclusive representation of the historical context.” user demonstrated that it would refuse to produce an image in the style of artist Norman Rockwell because his paintings were too pro-American.  Another user showed that the AI image tool would not produce a picture of a church in San Francisco because it felt it would be offensive to Native Americans, despite the fact that San Francisco has many churches.   

Patricia N.
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Report: Attacks on Churches Increased 800% in 6 Years:

Attacks on churches have increased nearly 800 percent in less than six years, indicating that “hostility against U.S. churches is not only on the rise but also accelerating,” a Family Research Council (FRC) report found.

Between 2018 and 2023, FRC identified 915 acts of hostility against churches in the United States by analyzing open-source documents, reports, and media outlets. In just the last year alone (between January and November of 2023), 436 acts of hostility against churches occurred, according to the report.

According to the FRC, the motives of most of the incidents are unknown, although many attacks had political overtones....  “Some acts of vandalism against churches appeared to have been motivated by anger toward the targeted church. Other acts appeared to have a political motivation. Some incidents appeared to have been committed by juveniles or persons struggling with mental illness,” the report states. “Several instances of vandalism also involved theft."

Standout cases include several incidents of transgender violence against churches.  A number of incidents were linked to pro-abortion hostility after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. And “at least 12 incidents included satanic imagery or symbols,” the report notes, listing several examples. 

“Thus, the number of acts of hostility is undoubtedly much higher than the number reflected in this report. This report is intended to compile the publicly reported data and identify any trends,” the report states.   

Patricia N.
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BREAKING: US Military is Tracking High-Altitude Balloon Over Colorado – Pentagon Scrambles Jets to Investigate:

Here we go again.

The US Military is tracking a high-altitude balloon over Colorado. The Pentagon sent jets to investigate.

“The balloon was intercepted by NORAD fighters over Utah, who determined it was not maneuverable and did not present a threat to national security. NORAD will continue to track and monitor the balloon,” NORAD said in a statement. “The FAA also determined the balloon posed no hazard to flight safety.”  The balloon’s origin and purpose is unclear.
Its presence prompted enough concern that the military sent aircraft to investigate.

Last January the Biden administration knew about the Chinese spy balloon traversing across the continental United States, from Alaska to the Carolinas, but sought to conceal this from the American public.   

Patricia N.
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Reporter goes viral for attacking Christians who believe rights come from God — and the responses are glorious:

Politico reporter Heidi Przybyla claimed on Thursday that Christians who believe rights are derived from God are "Christian nationalists."

Speaking on MSNBC, Przybyla claimed that former President Donald Trump is surrounding himself with an "extremist element" of Christians, whom she identified as "Christian nationalists."

That's when things got weird. According to Przybyla, there is one belief that all so-called Christian nationalists share.

"[T]he thing that unites them as Christian nationalists — not Christians, by the way, because Christian nationalist is very different — is that they believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don't come from any earthly authority. They don't come from Congress. They don't come to the Supreme Court. They come from God."

The "problem" with believing that rights come from God, Przybyla claimed, is that "men" misapply "so-called natural law" to oppose progressive issues, like abortion, sex education in schools, IVF, and gay marriage.

There is an obvious problem with Przybyla's argument: the Declaration of Independence. Philosophical debates about "rights" aside, the founding document is clear that rights are not derived from man like Przybyla claimed.

The Declaration of Independence declares:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The Founding Fathers, then, were aware of the dangers of a government being empowered to control rights: if the government giveth, then the government can taketh. But if fundamental rights are ultimately derived from God, no government can take them.

Przybyla comments went viral on Friday afternoon and triggered an avalanche of mockery:

  • "Our rights as human beings don’t come from the Constitution, the government, Congress, the president, or the Supreme Court. They are inherent. ... This belief that rights precede government—regardless of whether you believe in God—is fundamental to what it means to be an American," former Rep. Justin Amash said.
  • "I guess those truths just aren't as self-evident as they used to be," National Review writer Dan McLaughlin mocked.
  • "Imagine believing your rights come 'from Congress,'" Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) mocked.
  • "I can only suppose that this is what comes of liberal elites living in a bubble. They speak with supreme confidence only to reveal spectacular ignorance--of history, philosophy, the beliefs of the people they regard as their intellectual and moral inferiors and hold in contempt," Professor Robert George responded.

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"I can only suppose that this is what comes of liberal elites living in a bubble. They speak with supreme confidence only to reveal spectacular ignorance--of history, philosophy, the beliefs of the people they regard as their intellectual and moral inferiors and hold in contempt," Professor Robert George responded.

That is so true! 

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They don't reveal their ignorance, they reveal their evil.

You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.

Patricia N.
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The Holocaust ‘Exaggerated’? — Our Young People Desperately Need An Education:

A study that was recently published showed that 20% of our population between the ages of 18 and 29 believe that the Holocaust never happened and that it’s all mythology. Another roughly 23% of that same demographic believe it’s “exaggerated.”

. . . the Jews were a very small portion of Germany’s population, as well as the world’s population. In 1938, just prior to World War II, there were about 17 million Jews—less than 1% of the world’s population of 2 billion. The Nazis murdered 6 million Jews, [consisting of] 2/3 of Europe’s Jews and 1/3 of all the Jews in the world. 

What infuriated Hitler and the Nazis about the Jews was their influence— moral, intellectual, and economic. If Aryans were the superior race, how could Jews be so influential? Hitler believed that the greatest battle on Earth was between the Aryan and the Jew. Therefore, Aryans could prevail only if the Jews were destroyed.   

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When I was growing up our next door neighbor had been in a camp.  The only reason they let him live was because he played the violin and he would play for the guards.

Perhaps Today
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That is amazing.

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