Brothers and Sisters in Christ: I wish I could reach out with my words and touch every downtrodden soul on the face of this earth with reassurances of Hope and Light -- but that is way beyond my limited capacity. I wish I could positively impact the lives of each and every lost and suffering individual -- but this is far beyond my job description as a mortal being. I wish I could do more to uplift humanity and bring brighter days ahead, but I only wind up getting in the way of myself and definitely in the way of God for His purpose for me to make this world a better place. It is so easy to pray to God to save the world, but it is quite a different burden (privilege) when you open yourself for God to use you to do more than you are doing. It takes extra effort, and it is a huge responsibility to perform up to God’s standards. Today, I feel remiss that the time is so short and I just haven’t done enough for God to say “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Today I feel such an encumbrance upon my heart to ride out on a white horse with a sword in my hand -- yet all I can muster are these few lines below in a measly attempt to encourage and console a few hurting Christians out in this cruel world enduring today’s reality. So here is something that is limited in scope to maybe just a few, a couple, or even just ONE person. I don’t know, but I’ll pray that God will again touch whomever it is He wishes to touch. As for me, I apologize for the lack of depth and impact that I seem to be quite lacking today. Anyway, for you ONE person out there, I hope and pray that this tale written about myself helps you in some way. EACH STEP I TAKE Each step that I take I must proceed without knowing, I must venture ahead without the logistics or knowledge of where I’m going; This whirlwind of life tosses me around like a dilapidated leaf, The tempests of each day test the limits of my faith and belief. Do I set sail for the ocean, or do I stand on the shore? Do I remain in idled safety or advance into action against the ocean’s roar? I’m such a failure, Lord, what do You see in me? I’ve failed to reach so many destinations where I should already be. But You just don’t give up on me Lord, why is this the case? I have proven again and again that I’m such a disgrace! Instead of submission to Your daily expectations, I instead tend to wrestle, With the attempts of Your Holy Spirit trying lovingly to fill my empty vessel. I’m not worthy to be in the presence of your Holy Throne, I’m too impetuous, arrogant, and selfish, and accident-prone; But I thank you every day that through Your Son Jesus Christ my Salvation is ensured, And that IS the strength that guarantees that each passing day can again be endured. So please provide me Your insight and guide me in the right direction, Continue to show me Your Grace and Mercy and lead me to Perfection; On my own I am nothing, but through you I can attain further heights, The Rapture is so near, Lord, that we can now behold it within our sights. Jesus -- Please help us, and give us strength, to continue to attempt to bring unbelievers to the foot of Your Cross. This is where salvation begins and and dreams of Heaven can become an eventual reality! I pray the we can help others attain the reality of this dream Your faithful and weak servant, Humbly ~ ~ the spiritual battle? more evident these days global ~~ it is unsettling , on earth this battle that we continue to wrestle . . ~ as weak jars of clay, ~ ~ it remains, yes, today! ~ ~ we stay hopeful ~ ~ knowing God’s Heart, we are ever stayed, and ever nestled ~ ~~ still, we ask, “why us God as weakened vessels so amazingly loved, God's delight, stayed in Christ's Light ~ ~~ of His Redeemed? our God says: ~ ~ 'You are My masterpiece" . . Ephes. 2:10 Jewels in Christ’s crown! ~ . . . trusting our God’s Plan and Christ’s immeasurable Sacrifice ~ ~ ~ . . “When He cometh to take up His jewels Like the stars of the morning He will gather the gems for His kingdom Little children who love their Redeemer Thank you, Humbly and Donna! God has blessed me through both of you this morning! gratefulforgrace: I am so very happy that the Lord's word does not return void and that Donna and I could share in His blessing to you this morning. The Lord deserves so much more glory and praise than we mortals can ever give to Him. Hopefully, one day, we will all be in His arms and rejoicing together about the strength, and the wisdom, and the insight, and the blessings that His Holy Spirit provided to us during our tumultuous sojourn here on Planet Earth. Best of wishes to you any yours in these final days on the opposite side of Paradise. God bless you! Humbly I would encourage you all by saying, the Lord is well pleased with each of you! Again it is an honour to stand in your company! Love & blessings... We are all tried by our own unique fires. Our Hope spurs us on, and His abiding presence insures we are not alone and never foresaken! TR TR: It is an "honour to stand in your company!" also, as well as so many others here at Ritan that are too many to be named because I would leave somebody out and then feel badly about that. We all congregate together here to uplift each other, and all look forward to our HARPAZO out of this world -- which will simply be rapturous!! Have a great day everyone! Humbly HH - love that little twist - “looking for our harpazo, ... that will be rapturous” ... :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: could it be today! Looking forward to seeing everyone soon! I'm still looking for a high sign! For those in the Church who don't keep abreast of prophetic pronouncements! TR TR - you may have just gotten a “high” (not sure what that looks like for you brother) sign! How about evil upon evil: BG pushing ahead w/ fear tactic NOW — supported by proponents pushing the 10th amendment for societal protection: Or even yet another Rock Star of the Christian faith has died, like Methuselah before the flood: Worse yet: Have a super- size cyclone Oh and that’s just today’s brief summary of escalating events globally Today is a great day to go see the beloved! :prayer-hands: God is just crossing all the t's and dotting all the I's! He always seems to pull out the generals first! As all eyes are on them! TR
All His jewels, precious jewels…
His loved and His own
His bright crown adorning
They will shine in their beauty
Bright gems for His crown
All the pure ones, all the bright ones
His loved and His own
All the jewels, precious jewels
His loved and His own…
Bright gems for his crown . “ ~ ~ Allyson Krauss
The earth has now entered into a Solar minimum, worse yet, may cause a Maunder Minimum (little ice age) - last one known was recorded in 1625, caused famine, increased volcanic activity, arctic temps into the Deep South.
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