J. D. Farag’s February 6th, 2022 Bible Prophecy Update – Livestream: J. D. Farag’s February 6th, 2022 Bible Prophecy Update – Full: Did I hear what pastor JD said right? He is saying that we should tell people how to get saved and if we don't tell them, then.....maybe we don't love them? when I heard him say that I turned off the video immediately, so I don't know what he said after that or if I misunderstood what he said. If I misunderstood, then I am sorry. If he actually said that, then I am so disappointed and even angry with pastor JD. Doesn't he realize how hostile some people get, how they mock and silence us quickly? Doesn't he realize that there are a lot of people who are alienated from their families because they loved them enough to share? that there are people now outcasts with their own families? does he see the concern we have for people, that it hurts so bad at the thought of them probably going to hell. He has absolutely no right what so ever to say that we do not love people, preach at us like this or condemn us in any way. Very disappointed. That was very wrong of you pastor. If my family or anyone else disowns me for speaking about Jesus, then so be it. I speak up when the chance comes along. I could stand to be disowned by a few more unbelievers. My husband and I are hated by family and a couple of friends because of our faith and love and trust in Christ. Jesus is our portion It would be better if he suggested that we follow the spirits leading, as many already have refused the gospel! Then we are instructed to shake the dust off our sandals and walk away! Also not to cast our pearls before swine! TR And yet, your extended family at RITA love you. I wouldn’t waste the emotion energy on that one thing. Pastor JD is sound in his doctrine so if he says something you don’t like just let it go and don’t let it bother you. No one is going to speak 100% the way we want. Even the Lord Jesus said things that are very difficult to receive. Remembering Jesus was by far the most rejected soul who ever lived ~ I am remembering, too when someone told Jesus, "Look, your mother, brothers and sisters are outside wanting to speak to You" . . Jesus' replied: “Who is My mother, and who are My brothers?” Pointing to His disciples, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers.…" . . Matthew 12:48 Matthew 10:37 . . . "He that loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me: and he that loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. . . " "I wouldn’t waste the emotion energy on that one thing. Pastor JD is sound in his doctrine so if he says something you don’t like just let it go and don’t let it bother you. No one is going to speak 100% the way we want. Even the Lord Jesus said things that are very difficult to receive." Totally agree Yohanan. Thanks for the reminder. That thought did hit me before I posted.
After livestream go to https://www.jdfarag.org/bible-prophecy
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