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J. D. Farag's Bible Prophecy Update – July 19th, 2020.

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J. D. Farag's Bible Prophecy Update – July 19th, 2020.


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Based on the content of JD's prophecy update this week, I have gone before the Lord to ask His forgiveness and cleansing from any involvement I have had with the whole Q Anon phenomenon.  It was not like I was ever that deep into it, but I did have some interest for awhile when they kept talking about how the bad guys were finally going to get theirs.  When weeks turned into months and then years, I kind of gave up on ascribing any credibility to Q.

I still think the unrepentant bad guys are going to get what they have coming, but I no longer hold out any hope that it will happen as Q has described it in our remaining time here on earth before the harpazo.  It will be Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ and Son of the Living God, who will be administering that justice on His timetable.

In the meantime, after hearing JD's message today, I don't want anything to do Q Anon!

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Great update, hitting a few runs out the park, 2+2 = 4!

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Yet another level that was set up long ago to help with the great delusion....per JD and his study, the believers are the bad guys who will “get theirs”, when we are taken away, I to find this ironic ....

Pray in Jesus name, we need to leave now Abba :prayer-hands:

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Again Sis, I love it when you talk Rapture!

Maybe in the next couple of days?!


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Well, in that case Tammie, let me go officially on record as saying I cannot wait 'til I "get mine".  Lol.   Soon Lord, please.

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Pastor J.D. absolutely nailed it. Q is extremely new agey and the links between them and Dominionism and the New Apostolic Reformation/Kingdom Now people is undeniable. These entities have all been created by the Roman Catholic Religion.

Makes me a little more sure that Q will triumph and the bad guys (Gates, Soros, Fauci, etc.) will be rounded up. (Pretend style, of course. They are really all on the same team.) However, maybe this will not happen until after the Rapture.

Whatever the case, we are going home soon. Smile

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Unbelievably soon Sir Arthur, we are out of here, I can almost smell the Bride feast.

Yes, they are most certainly on the same team, albeit they may or may not even know it... Oh Babylon, the lady on the seven mountains with her prostitutes per Revelation, their cup of destruction, they drink freely.

Does anybody remember Q on Star Trek - oh yeh! The next generation for sure! Hind sight into some of the Hollywood stuff is certainly 20/20.

Can we start with “are we there yet” —- hear the Father whisper in a still small voice, almost my children, wait for it :prayer-hands:

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Tammie, I think we may have been separated at birth.  No, I got it.

We both came from the same Fathers heart! Like Father, like kids!


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TR - thank you for that compliment! I’ve always wondered what having a twin would be like :yes:

I’m so very thankful for such a great watcher family of like minds and hearts, it’s nice to know there are others who have those green horn looks thrown your way by family and friends when you start talking rapture.

Soon family, it’s so evident, signs are all in place, nothing more required - look up, our redemption draws at the last trumpet, twinkle the eye :yahoo: :prayer-hands: :flyup:

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