Certainly not the Messiah we know, the falsehood is showing for those who choose to remain blinded to the truth of Christ’s coming and dying on the cross for the sin of humanity. As Jesus stated in the temple. This prophecy is full filled in your hearing this day. Here we go according to Chad … how exciting! Hey y'all this looks like the real deal. I think this is it! Lapid and Biden have been working on an agreement to protect and defend Israel. As y'all know giving over land back to the '67 borders opens Israel up to being vulnerable to their enemies. Well Biden signed an agreement with Lapid in July that the US will protect Israel from whatever and whoever, etc, etc, etc. We will protect Israel if they (Israel) give Palestinians a state. Also Saudi Arabia and the whole shebang of the 22 member Arab League will normalize relations with Israel and sign the peace accord. This will assure everyone in the middle east peace by protecting each other from Iran threatening their peace. I think the timing is right for this to come together while Lapid is making decisions for Israel. It breaks my heart but it simply has to happen. Anyway, the takeaway from this is, this is an expansion, a broadening, to make stronger, the already existing 'Abraham Accords'. I just don't know if Lapid has this kind of authority at his disposal to sign Israel away :scratch: It hasn't been drafted as far as we know and of course the palestinians are going to ask for the golan, gaza and at least half if not more of Jerusalem.....only the Lord raining down destruction on them, the enemies of Israel, would cause the other countries to sign a peace plan with Israel with current borders, so imho I would imagine the rapture and then soon after GMG war would help solidify a real covenant. As Chad stated, the shadows of Tribulation grow ever darker. We indeed shall soon see! Again Lord, this is not our home! Let this be our last week here! TR According to Amir Tsarfati: Putin’s compulsory enlistment: List of 305,925 names comprising the 1st of presumably 3 waves of Putin's draft has been leaked. Pieces fitting together to further establish that 1 million people are intended for the draft, not 300,000. But pray for our loved ones that they might somehow get saved before the rapture. Israeli firm to create human embryos to harvest organs: Last month we looked at the work of a research group from the University of Cambridge who have been creating mouse embryos that are grown from stem cells rather than sperm and eggs. The embryos possess small brains, beating hearts, and other organs. While this is fascinating research that presents opportunities in the medical field, particularly for organ transplants, I raised a number of obvious ethical questions. Doing this with mice is one thing, but obviously, this research is heading toward trying something similar with human organs. Well, as the saying goes, that didn’t take long. Someone is already on the path to creating human embryos in this fashion. I’d assumed it would likely be someone in China, but to my surprise, it turned out to be a biotech firm in Israel. Renewal Bio is in the process of developing human embryos from stem cells and using “artificial womb technology” to grow them. And the stem cells have already produced beating hearts, intestinal tracts, and yes… brains. These people are creating human beings in a petri dish. Does the fact that there was no egg or sperm involved in the process make that any less true? Is the resultant embryo any less of a human being because of that technicality? We already know from previous research papers we’ve covered here that those nascent brains don’t take very long at all before they begin producing brain waves. Some of the larger human brain “organoids” that have been grown in laboratories produced the same types of brain waves monitored in premature babies. If Renewal Bio is planning to grow a fetus large enough to produce an organ of sufficient size and development to use in a transplant, that’s got to be a human being, right? And what about that fetus that Renewal Bio would be cutting up to harvest some organs? If it’s indistinguishable from any other person created the traditional way, that still sounds an awful lot like murder to me. The organs could be grown from your own stem cells with your own DNA. That means that the organ would not be rejected if it’s transplanted into you. But that baby is basically your clone. The two of you would be identical. If you badly needed a transplant and the doctors came and offered this procedure to you, would you agree to allow a miniature version of yourself to be brought into the world only to be destroyed so that you could survive a bit longer? I think I’d have a serious problem with that.
For who have eyes to see and ears to hear, we are seeing all the prophecy puzzle in place. :yahoo: